Borderlands 3 News Thread: Releasing 13/09/2019 PS4, XONE and EGS, Borderlands GOTY Out Now
Stuff announced during the Gearbox panel
- Borderlands style tabletop card game.
- Borderlands 2 VR will be getting a free update this Summer with all the Borderlands 2 DLC
- Free UHD update pack for the Handsome collection
- Borderlands 1 Game of the Year edition remaster with various quality of life improvements
- Borderlands 3 along with reveal trailer, more info April 3rd
Gearbox Publishing
- New DLC for We Happy Few "They Came From Below"
- Bulletstorm going to Switch Summer 2019, comes with the DLC
- New TinyBuild game, Pathologic 2.
- Astroneer going to more places.
- Trover Saves the Universe releasing May 31st
- Risk of Rain 2 available on Early Access starting today.
Original Thread Description Underneath the Spoiler Tag.
Tomorrow at 2pm EST, Gearbox will be live streaming their panel at PAX East, where they have teased several new games or major announcements. We got one of those announced today with a cool teaser trailer for something called Borderlands: Mask of Mayhem.
Not only is it quite visually appealing, it is absolutely littered with easter eggs, new characters, and old characters (Brick, Mordecai, and Tiny Tina). It is not confirmed if this is necessarily meant to be Borderlands 3 or the next real installment in the main series (the first since 2014's Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and first since Telltale's spinoff Tales From the Borderlands, 2014-2015), but it is something to get hyped over. And like I said, the trailer is filled with tiny references or easter eggs, including a SHIFT code (Gearbox releases them for players to receive Golden Keys in BL2 and TPS and it gives them insanely good gear), a reference to the ATLAS Corporation, and even, and get this...VAUGHN! There's even a fucking Morse Code message in the video, saying "Count the Sirens." Watch the video below for a more in-depth look at everything revealed.
This is also not the only thing Gearbox have teased at over the last couple of weeks. The following tweets dropped by Gearbox hint towards various other announcements.
Not sure what to make of this, this looks to be a new IP all together.
This is a blurred out picture of Maya, one of the playable characters in Borderlands 2, standing in front of a statue of Marcus in the Bloodshot Stronghold. This might be implying a release for Borderlands 2 on the Nintendo Switch.
I'm so confused with this one, who the hell knows.
Duke Nukem, oh boy. Well, it can't be any worse than Duke Nukem Forever, right?
A Borderlands card game? Maybe just simply a deck of cards stylized with Borderlands art? A board game? I don't know, don't really care about this one all that much.
Okay, I think they're just trolling us at this point.
It has also been spoiled thanks to the ESRB that one of the announcements will probably be a Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition for the PS4 and Xbox One.
So yeah, seems like a heavy duty panel, hopefully it lives up to the hype, because after Take Us Back, I need something to take my mind off of TWD for a while.
Oh shit, that might be Vaughn indeed. I was worried we wouldn't get any Tales representation. Now let's just hope they'll treat our beloved characters well.
Anywho, gonna leave this leak here. It was posted earlier and from what we've seen so far in the trailer, it might be accurate.
From what I'm hearing, based on what's shown in the teaser, those leaks are 100% accurate. Judging from the link, which says it's 5 years later, it would make sense because Tiny Tina in the teaser is much older than what she was in BL2.
Where was Vaughn teased at? I skimmed the video and didn't see him. Although, I do emphasize "skimmed" as I'm a bit rusty on Borderlands.
Around 0:50, the guy with a cape.

Yep, that's him.
Wow. He looks so different. So... manly.
I'm not sure about the validity of this, but some commenter said that, next to the Atlas logo in the final seconds of the teaser, you can see Rhys.
my MAN !
Zer0 looking badass as all hell, like always. And holy shit, that might actually be Rhys. The thing that's throwing me off is the tie not being tucked into his pants.
AWW YEAAH! I can't believe we got some Tales representation! Hopefully we get to see Fiona, Sasha and Loaderbot as well!
I've seen people theorising that the Beastmaster is actually Loaderbot. That'd be fucking sick if it's true.
Holy cow... That... That might be Rhys right there.
Yeah, that's GOT TO be Rhys. He's positioned above the Atlas logo -- who last time we saw him he said he was the new CEO of the company, has his iconic vest and tie style, and the slick-back hair.
It has to be him.
If that really is Rhys, that not only means the potential for Atlas weapons to return, but that Rhys and Fiona somehow found their way out of the Vault of the Traveler, and we might get an explanation as to what happened at the end. Here's hoping.
Also, a chance for Rhysha/Rhyiona? Or RhoaderBot for @Blind Sniper?
Am I seeing things or does he have a moustache?
He's packing a moustache.
I think he kind of ressembles Troy Baker now.
I'm happy they are recognizing tales but also terrified about how they'll be written. Please don't ruin my children.
Secretly hoping Fiona shows up as a new Vault Hunter. That'd be too awesome.
If anyone's interested here's a high rez wallpaper version of the 'mask'.
Unfortunately, I got class from 2:10-3:25 today, so I won't be able to watch the conference. I would consider skipping it, but I already did that this week for Take Us Back (worth it), so I can't risk doing it again. So hopefully someone can post all of the information I missed while I'm gone.
In the meantime, here is the Twitch link for the livestream, beginning in about 75 minutes:
Oh wow PAX East is today? And the conference is also on (today/right now)?
Well that snuck up on me.
when you just want to see Borderlands 3 but they doing magic tricks
tfw the live steam is a mess and I have a weird ass feeling the trailer they trying to play is Tales 2 SMH
Well, here it is. Haven't watched it yet, but wanted to post the trailer.
Not sure what to make of that mustache though.
Information at the Gearbox panel:
It's awesome.
Where the FUCK is my girl Fiona tho :kennysad:
Seeing that Rhys and Vaughn are in the game its probably safe to assume Fiona and Sasha are too.
I really hope they dont mess up their characters and I also hope that seeing as Rhys is clearly not stuck in the vault, that whole Vault thing that happened to Rhys and Fiona is explained well.
Just look at that powerful 'stache!
Here's that Borderlands 1 game of the year trailer that didn't get to be played.

As much as I want Fiona, I'm wondering where Sasha is. She needs some love dammit (preferably from Rhys).
I hope there will be a side quest to shave that moustache.
But eh, I'm just glad he's back.
Anyone think this may be Sasha?
I know right, hopefully its just the angle, still better than ANF redesigns tho lmao
tfw its highly unlikely Gearbox gives a shit enough for us to import choices so Rhys x Sasha will probs just be made cannon and ignore the Rhys x Fiona ending
Press F Rhyiona Squad ;'(
OH NO they're gonna make Rhysha canon aren't they ? It's OVER
tfw gearbox will most likely make it so Rhys and Sasha get together no matter what and ignore the Rhyiona ending
tbh I wouldn't be surprised if they just ignored both ships altogether.
I'll be fine with it if everyone will just make fun of that stache.