I finished making my channel trailer
If anyone's interested I can send them a link. I just started the channel and would appreciate any support for it. For some reason the link isn't working. I'm going to give the name of my channel instead. It's quirks unleashed. To whoever watches let me know what you think. I'm going to start uploading once I know if the channel trailer is good or at least decent.
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Aw, don't make them ask for a link.
The channel trailer is fine, but you'll need an actual regular video for people to judge if it's a good channel or not.
lol I realized it would've made more sense if I just put a link but for some reason the video wouldn't play. I then figured it would be better to give the name of the channel. I'm glad you think it looks fine. I'm going to start uploading soon. I wanted to see if the channel trailer was interesting, entertaining or good enough to maybe get people's attention. And I just wanted to see if it was just a decent video at least. Thank you for watching the video.
It looks interesting enough. You got my sub
. If you're willing to share, what games will you be playing to start off your channel?
Thanks for the sub. I just subbed to you too. I'm going to be playing games like spider man for the ps4 to start off the channel.
Is the channel name okay?
We can't judge that until you have some videos.
You can always go with what you have for now, and change the name of it later if you think this name isn't a good description of the channel.
Roblox how to get a girlfriend tutorial. Where?
That's true. Thank you :-)
I don't play roblox. I'd like to do a gta roleplay series though.
I'm going to upload a video today.
This is sad cos I was actually serious. Gta 5 how to pick up a full squad of irl women. Where?
I definitely wouldn't be doing that if I started doing gta roleplay and I'm antisocial. I'm not someone that would be knowledgeable about human interaction and how to go about any form of that.
After thinking about it I decided on just doing playthroughs without commentary. Until I move and until then I'm going to change the name of the channel to something else. And unfortunately I decided not to have a channel trailer and will not be keeping up the channel trailer. I apologize for that and I'm thankful for the likes I was given.
The classic reverse the van into them and remotely lock the trunk when they fall in until they decide to go to the pier with me normally works for me ?
I don't play GTA myself but enjoy watching people acting ridiculous in it. That would qualify.
My friends and I used to dress our characters up as male strippers and we’d shoot up the strip club, call the cops off of us, and then we’d do s little bit of roleplay on the pole. They were good times. There’s also the bounty train idea I had if @Scythenger wants to try that? It’s basically where you grab a bunch of friends together, all place bounties on each other (preferably 9k) and try to have the entire lobby chase you while you are riding on a train. We had a blast with that idea, but I guess it depends if people actually still go after bounties anymore, I guess they would though if there were like 5 people, resulting in a 45k bounty, they’d probably see it as easy money.
You can pick up people and handcuff them in gta rp. I've seen that happen a couple of times.
I finished my first video and uploaded it. It's on unlisted now. Not sure about the thumbnail I think it looks too bright. If it does can someone let me know? I'll delete it and will then reupload it with a different thumbnail. Here's the link
Just looking at the image on screen is the thumbnail too bright? The video doesn't need to be watched or anything.
It's a bright thumbnail, but that doesn't mean it's bad. I don't know anyone who decides to watch a video based on thumbnail brightness.
I don't either. I'd still like to make sure the thumbnail is visible to people though. I'm going to add something else and change the thumbnail then upload it.
On second thought I decided to change the thumbnail. After it uploads and I'm done with the description and stuff I'm going to make it public. And I'll put up the new link just incase whoever wants to watch it without wanting to search for my channel can.
here's the link and I'm going to make the video public on my channel
I wasn't expecting the end of the video to show that. I thought it would stop at the guitar but it went further than that. And I deleted the videos on the ps4 so I wouldn't be able to change it then reupload it. So now I'm not sure if I should leave it like that and just make sure to change for the next videos or just do the gameplay over again.
It should be fine if you just change it in future videos.