What are your favorite games of this year so far?
This forum is running out of communication because there ain't much to talk about so I think this could help a little bit. What are the best games you've played this year so far? Mine would be:
- Resident Evil 2 Remake
Capcom is an example from a bad company gone good nowadays. Just like RE7, I had tons of fun with RE2. I never played the original and this is probably the scariest game I've played since Alien Isolation and we all know why. My only major problem with the game is the continuity errors in B scenario, most of the bosses and puzzles are placed in the same locations, it kind of ruins the story.
- Sekiro Shadows Die Twice
FromSoftware strikes again with the challenge that makes their games successful and enjoyable. I can't believe it received controversies for being too difficult, like what the shit were you expecting from FromSoftware games? Rainbows, unicorns or what? Anyway, I love the fact FromSoftware were trying something different. Other than bosses, checkpoints and difficulty, this game isn't anything like the Souls games. It's not an RPG, it's more of a hack'n'slash type of experience but very difficult. My problem with this game is the variety of mini-bosses, most of them are either unnecessary or stupidly overpowered, there isn't much to do once you earn all the trophies, upgrade your skills, weapons and beat all the bosses.
I can't really choose what my favorite is so far, I love both of them and both have their own ups and downs.
My favorite game of this year was
Metro Exodus
I dont like how its epic exclusive for 1 year but if the dev plans to make another sequel then im totally fine with it. But the things i like about this game is that its so beautiful, immersive and realistic, like your gun gets jammed, you have to clean it and you can also sleep, watch time etc...
I hope they make another sequel i would definetly buy it.
In 2020. Year im looking forward to playing Cyberpunk 2077 and Dying light 2. I even bought new graphics card rx 5700 xt for that lol.
Apologies it's pretty late where I am and I'm a little groggy as I write this.
Favourite games so far:
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Pros: Haven't been this terrified at a game in a while, and I had an absolute blast with it. Pants shittingly fun gameplay, an entertaining story and fun/cheesy characters. Also for a dapper looking fellow, Mr. X is absolutely terrifying. Easily one of the best games of the year so far.
Cons: Voice acting quality for Leon and Claire fluctuates (they're the only characters I have this issue with, everyone else is wonderfully acted), and the random health for the zombies is pretty bullshit. I also wish there was a bigger difference between the two campaign routes.
Metro Exodus
Pros: Probably the best gameplay the series has had so far in my opinion. The series continues to deliver in its visuals and atmosphere, I like the mix of open and linear maps, lots of hidden areas and secrets, love the gun customisation (though I wish it was a bit more in depth), lots of big spooks as usual, a good variety of enemies, you can actually kill enemies without it effecting the ending, well written side characters, an a really emotional ending that actually got me teary eyed.
Cons: Unfortunately this probably has some of the worst voice acting in the series which is strange considering the returning voice actors had done a pretty decent job in the past, there's a weird delay between voice lines, Anna is used as a plot device WAAYYY too much which is weird because this is the game that proves 4A can actually write female characters, but for some reason Anna is the odd one out, there's a level that's pretty much just a linear shooting gallery (it's the shortest level in the game but it's so uninteresting) and the story drags a bit here and there.
The Walking Dead: Final Season
Pros: An extremely well done and emotional send off to Clementine that had me in full blown tears multiple times, fantastic looking visuals with the help of the Graphic Black lighting, well written side characters with great voice acting, the new style of gameplay feels like a natural progression and of course AJ. To me the Final Season could potentially be my favourite game in the series, but my rose tinted glasses refuse to let me make it so.
Cons: Decisions overall don't heavily effect the ending, certain characters needed more screentime and development and environments don't vary too much.
A Plague Tale : Innocence
Pros: An absolute surprise of a game that came out of nowhere. A great story, with great characters and voice acting. Despite its grim subject, story and environment, the game was also surprisingly fun. It also manages to get pretty emotional at times. You really do root for the band of misfits. There are a bunch of different toys to play it and use against the rats and enemies too. I absolutely loved this game and I really hope they end up doing a sequel/spin off of sorts, though the developers did say they consider the game to be a "one and done narrative experience", which is odd considering the title "A Plague Tale" suggesting this to be just one of the stories set in this world.
Cons: Not all the voice acting is great, though it might just be bad delivery at certain points, the villain is pretty cartooney, the final battle is pretty absurd and can be a bit frustrating and the ending is pretty sudden. It has some of that good old euro-jank.
I just realised that three of the four games on my list are horror games, which is pretty interesting.
Plague tale innocence
Just reminded me why love gaming offered fresh gameplay, wonderful graphics and amazing story. Finally studio willing to take a risk to make masterpiece definitely recommend.
TWD final season
Was everything I wanted and more. The pain from losing telltale games was immense seeing the quality of this game improvements in all areas. If telltale comes back they make billions
God of War and Spiderman
All need to say is perfect games better then any movie or tv show they transcend the median.
I love these games so much I chose no spoilers and to be vague these are all 10/10 and must buys.
So far my only favorite game of this year was A Plague Tale : Innocence
but this year isn't over and there's some great stuff coming out soon so i'm expecting GreedFall and The Outer Worlds to be in that list as well.
Anthem is by far my favorite game of the year (I know the year isn't over but I doubt anything will surpass it's brilliance), now I know what you're saying "what's this loser on about" but hear me out, all the reviews so far have been fabricated lies by the media and critics. What I like (and many others) to call "fake news", this is all a conspiracy to take BioWare down so that CDPR (CD Projekt Red) can reign supreme without any other big RPG developers in the mix. We cannot allow this to happen, trust me, pick up a copy of Anthem (a video game developed by the renowned studio BioWear) and you will love it plus boost it's sales so the media doesn't win.
Make Anthem Profitable For Once 2020
Let me ask you something. Is this, um, an out-of-season April Fools' joke?
...I'm obviously being sarcastic.
FOrtNiTe DuH
In seriousness I didn't see much games that I liked this year, I liked days gone tho rest is meh.
Not that many games I cared about this year tbh, besides walking dead
Outer Wilds
I don't feel like this game is being talked about enough. It's special in a lot of ways. The overall premise is as follows: it's a first-person space exploration game where you can explore 5 or 6 handcrafted planets that have their own routine in this galaxy. It's obviously no No Man's Sky in terms of pure scale, but it completely revolves around exploration. There is no combat, no upgrade or RPG system, just you, your ship and a handful of tools that help you throughout your journey.
Your main goal is, as I said, to explore the different planets and find out what happened to the Nomai, an ancient species that existed in the system long before you but disappeared. They've built and constructed several machines, villages and monuments, but you don't know what these things do or why they've been built.
These different planets are actually different from each other. All of them have unique mechanics that have direct influence on how you approach and ultimately explore them. Without giving anything away.
One of the pillars of the game are the runes/wall writings you find across the game that are basically dialogues between the Nomai that reveal more and more about them. The more you explore, the more you understand what happened. I've never had so many "Oh! So THIS is why ..." moments in a game before.
Now, there is one twist that happens right at the beginning of the game that, if you knew about it before, won't destroy your experience, but it's still such a unique mechanic and so integral to the game that I can't just not mention, but I'll do it in a spoiler.
When you first play the game, everything is pretty normal. But if you survive 22 minutes, the sun at the center of the system explodes and destroyes everything. You die, but you wake up at the beginning again with all the knowledge you aquired. The cycle starts anew. Every 22 minutes, the sun explodes and kills you, which results in a reset everytime, but you don't lose progress, because the only real progress in the game is your knowledge. This mechanic results in some of the most anxiety enducing, but also beautiful moments i've ever experienced in a game.
It is really special and nothing I could write would do it justice. It's on PC (Epic Games Store) and on the Xbox One (even on Gamepass). Don't miss out on it. It is such a beautiful experience.

Honestly, there haven't been many games this year, if any, that have caught my interest. The only ones that have haven't come out yet (Borderlands 3, The Outer Worlds, Doom Eternal, Death Stranding, Afterparty).
I was looking at Rage 2 at one point, even though I've never played the first one, but there was so little fanfare and marketing for it that, when I learned it came out, I was shocked because I had no idea, which is not exactly a good sign. From what I've heard it's...okay. Seems like it was a good idea to avoid buying at full price. Maybe in the future, but I'll see.
Anthem was a game I had on my radar because, from what I saw, it looked incredible. From there, we all know what happened. This game was practically in development hell, and then EA (in this case, I'd say they were in the right, or at least, not so much in the wrong) gave BioWare a final date it had to be ready by. That E3 trailer was a lie, mismanagement plagued the game, and much like Mass Effect Andromeda, it looks as if all future plans have been scrapped. The controversies of this game have been well documented, which is a shame because the game did look fun. It sucks to see a studio like BioWare go down the tube like this, they had such a good reputation with the original Mass Effect trilogy and Dragon Age series (which, if I was a fan of that series, I'd be super nervous for).
Wolfenstein Youngblood turned out to be a fucking joke that it almost makes me want to go back and replay New Colossus (almost). What makes it worse is that not only was MachineGames name attached to it, but Arkane Studios, a studio I have so much respect and adoration for because of Dishonored. Who the hell makes a Wolfenstein game where you don't even play as BJ Blazkowicz? That's like playing a Doom game where you don't play as the Doom Slayer, or a Tomb Raider game where you don't play as Lara Croft. His two daughters were annoying as all hell, they implemented RPG elements into the game, enemies are bullet sponges, overall, it was just a bad game. But of course some outlets are heaping praise on it because of its "Strong female protagonists" and blah blah blah. I don't give a rats ass if these two were dudes instead of girls, it still would have sucked donkey balls. If this is the future of the Wolfenstein games, oh boy.
I've only heard of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, haven't seen any gameplay or footage of it, but I have heard good things about it. I've never played Dark Souls (though I have watched my old college roommate try and fail at it many times because it's so hard), so that's definitely been a reason why I haven't looked completely at it. Maybe some point in the future as it does sound good, but with BL3 in a couple of weeks, I'm going to pass on it for now.
what's this loser on about :phil: