Does LCG Entertainment have rights to MC Story Mode?
It was sad seeing that MC Story Mode had to go. But that was because Telltale shut down. As I see, they gave the rights of most of their games to LCG Entertainment. So my question is, does that include MC Story mode? On the FAQ, it gives a list of the games that they support, along with the words "We hope to add to that list soon". Does this mean they will create new games, or does it mean that their old games are coming back? Hope its the latter, but if you have info about who owns rights to MC Story Mode, and what they are doing with said rights, let me know.
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I don't think it would happen as you heard the news about telltale being revived, they just purchased the rights to TWAU and batman, and they're looking forward to new IPs and continue the games already cancelled like wolf among us 2.
Very worrying that news about LCG acquiring more TTG IP’s went radio silent. I’d guess they’re focusing on Tales at the moment. (And probably also Game of Thrones and Minecraft)
Game of Thrones and MCSM used to sell hundreds of thousands of units per month on PS4 alone. I’m sure getting them under their belt would help start a stream of income.
(They’re probably not making much from Puzzle Agent and Hector)
The company needs to be financially stable before they can buy back all the lost IP's. Aka they need to publish out games and make money.
Yes, but I dont understand who they are buying these IP's from.
Like EA buys a license from Disney to make Star Wars games, Telltale bought a license from Mojang,Microsoft and made MCSM with the Minecraft IP. What does that mean? Well even tho LCG owns MCSM they still need the license from Mojang because it originated by their IP, Minecraft. Untile then, LCG nor Mojang can make,sell any MCSM content.
Thanks, I didnt understand.
Hope they attempt to get it back, would love to play it 
I dont remember LCG ever saying they would "buy back" other properties, and 2K/Gearbox have stated they do plan on getting Tales back on store shelves at some point.
They are going to have to release their first game first. They are most likely planning on getting back into the industry and from there try and get other Telltale IPs like Tales from the Borderlands back, so they can make a sequel if they want.
Don't they have to pay a fee because old Telltale diden't honor the contract by declaring bankruptcy?
Let's hope its soon!
Well if they're broke, I think they have to fork the IPs' they had back to the creators!
I just hope the MCSM comes back