I finally went to see this yesterday after several intentions of going with my brother as tradition fell through and I had nothing to do tod… moreay aside from an errand or two. I suppose I can say it’s a decent to good-ish movie that fluctuates a bit in getting going and having effective things happen. What I mean by that is that the first five to ten minutes kinda breezes in a way to establish things and yet I felt somewhat bored/disengaged before slowly starting to be picked up with some admittedly kinda neat/funny if downplayed moment. These, combined with some things being kinda predictable/protracted and the movie shockingly being under 2 ½ hours long, made it slide from a little dull to kinda cool to actually sorta dramatic and slightly panning out again as the climax & ending play out.
As the Brainscratch impressions on the drive back consistently noted, though, there was general sense of the movie floundering a bit due to the combine… [view original content]
been sitting on it for a bit and yeah the rise of skywalker is my least favorite star wars movie. it just gets worse and worse every time i think about it.
been sitting on it for a bit and yeah the rise of skywalker is my least favorite star wars movie. it just gets worse and worse every time i think about it.
If you refer to Padme and Anakin scene (it's the only one I can think of), it probably takes place during episode 3. Dave Filoni went to great lengths to not make any continuity errors, I don't see why he would make a mistake, especially as glaring as that one, now.
you know i actually did rewatch revenge of the sith, the force awakens and the last jedi back to back recently, and while im still angry about TROS, it's only helped me realize how much i love THOSE movies and i appreciate them even more now.
although i guess jj's thing has always been reminding you of things you like more than his work, for better or worse.
Star Wars movies need to age like a fine wine. Everyone absolutely abhorred the prequels. But recently people don't mind them as much. I think one of those reasons is time and the politics. We didn't underatand them as kids. As adults, we realize Palpatine's genius in the prequels. As well as the fact the prequels had good moments and characters and they will be viewed more fondly. I think TLJ and ROS will be similar in this regard. New Star Wars films will be released along with Mandalorian and Clone Wars. A decade from now, I'm positive TLJ and ROS will be seen as "Not that bad."
you know i actually did rewatch revenge of the sith, the force awakens and the last jedi back to back recently, and while im still angry abo… moreut TROS, it's only helped me realize how much i love THOSE movies and i appreciate them even more now.
although i guess jj's thing has always been reminding you of things you like more than his work, for better or worse.
I think TLJ and ROS will be similar in this regard. New Star Wars films will be released along with Mandalorian and Clone Wars. A decade from now, I'm positive TLJ and ROS will be seen as "Not that bad."
No they won't,and the only reason the prequels gets any love these days is because of the clone wars tv show,without it the prequels would still get as much hate as they did back then when they first came out.
Star Wars movies need to age like a fine wine. Everyone absolutely abhorred the prequels. But recently people don't mind them as much. I thi… morenk one of those reasons is time and the politics. We didn't underatand them as kids. As adults, we realize Palpatine's genius in the prequels. As well as the fact the prequels had good moments and characters and they will be viewed more fondly. I think TLJ and ROS will be similar in this regard. New Star Wars films will be released along with Mandalorian and Clone Wars. A decade from now, I'm positive TLJ and ROS will be seen as "Not that bad."
the only reason the prequels gets any love these days is because of the clone wars tv show,without it the prequels would still get as much hate as they did back then when they first came out.
You're absolutely right, I've seen a few say "The Clone Wars made me appreciate the prequels a lot more" although, some people did liked the prequels before Clone Wars
I think TLJ and ROS will be similar in this regard. New Star Wars films will be released along with Mandalorian and Clone Wars. A decade fro… morem now, I'm positive TLJ and ROS will be seen as "Not that bad."
No they won't,and the only reason the prequels gets any love these days is because of the clone wars tv show,without it the prequels would still get as much hate as they did back then when they first came out.
you know i actually did rewatch revenge of the sith, the force awakens and the last jedi back to back recently, and while im still angry abo… moreut TROS, it's only helped me realize how much i love THOSE movies and i appreciate them even more now.
although i guess jj's thing has always been reminding you of things you like more than his work, for better or worse.
Sequel trilogy is just fan fiction with a Disney budget.
...Yeah, that's probably an accurate description.
I love how Star Wars got a revival from Disney, and we've got all this new-fangled mid-2010's CGI technology to really bring to life the iconic world and lore of Star Wars.
God, seeing the TIE Fighters "EEEEeeeAAaaaahhhhh" around the place is awesome.
But the story -- in hindsight -- could have greatly been improved. If one person had worked on all 3, then that would have at least made things cohesive and flow into each other a bit better. Also if TROS hadn't decided to retcon almost all of TLJ. Some of that stuff was... interesting. pleasedontkillme
The sequel trilogy is like if you went back to your childhood home and it looked almost exactly like it did when you were younger but things are slightly out of place or a slightly different shade of color
They had interesting ideas that weren't done enough justice.
Sequel trilogy is just fan fiction with a Disney budget.
...Yeah, that's probably an accurate description.
I love how Star Wars g… moreot a revival from Disney, and we've got all this new-fangled mid-2010's CGI technology to really bring to life the iconic world and lore of Star Wars.
God, seeing the TIE Fighters "EEEEeeeAAaaaahhhhh" around the place is awesome.
But the story -- in hindsight -- could have greatly been improved. If one person had worked on all 3, then that would have at least made things cohesive and flow into each other a bit better. Also if TROS hadn't decided to retcon almost all of TLJ. Some of that stuff was... interesting. pleasedontkillme
I mean I used to love the prequels more as a kid because it was my generation’s triology. Now I prefer the originals, then the sequels and then finally the prequels, seeing as I love all of the originals, I love all of the sequels, but I only really love on prequel, the other 2 are just kewl.
Star Wars movies need to age like a fine wine. Everyone absolutely abhorred the prequels. But recently people don't mind them as much. I thi… morenk one of those reasons is time and the politics. We didn't underatand them as kids. As adults, we realize Palpatine's genius in the prequels. As well as the fact the prequels had good moments and characters and they will be viewed more fondly. I think TLJ and ROS will be similar in this regard. New Star Wars films will be released along with Mandalorian and Clone Wars. A decade from now, I'm positive TLJ and ROS will be seen as "Not that bad."
At least now we got the Clone Wars back
Yeah, I saw that second trailer pop into my notifications.
Wonder where it'll go this time or if this movie basically necessitated something.
When there are continuity errors in TCW S7 Trailer

The whole trilogy has been quite a bizarre experience, was the new trilogy worth it?
My answer:
I don't know
I will say, The Force Awakens is probably my favorite and best from this new trilogy, honestly. I prefer that movie over TROS.
Edit: on the second viewing of TRoS, it was even better and I like the movie a lot more, better than TLJ, although that's not too hard.
been sitting on it for a bit and yeah the rise of skywalker is my least favorite star wars movie. it just gets worse and worse every time i think about it.
(Re)watch The Force Awakens or the original trilogy or the prequel trilogy, it'll make you feel better
If you refer to Padme and Anakin scene (it's the only one I can think of), it probably takes place during episode 3. Dave Filoni went to great lengths to not make any continuity errors, I don't see why he would make a mistake, especially as glaring as that one, now.
Like what?
The Padme and Anakin scene.
Dog its a hologram. Matter phases through it. That wouldn't be in the trailer if it was a continuity error
oh, sorry.
you know i actually did rewatch revenge of the sith, the force awakens and the last jedi back to back recently, and while im still angry about TROS, it's only helped me realize how much i love THOSE movies and i appreciate them even more now.
although i guess jj's thing has always been reminding you of things you like more than his work, for better or worse.
Star Wars movies need to age like a fine wine. Everyone absolutely abhorred the prequels. But recently people don't mind them as much. I think one of those reasons is time and the politics. We didn't underatand them as kids. As adults, we realize Palpatine's genius in the prequels. As well as the fact the prequels had good moments and characters and they will be viewed more fondly. I think TLJ and ROS will be similar in this regard. New Star Wars films will be released along with Mandalorian and Clone Wars. A decade from now, I'm positive TLJ and ROS will be seen as "Not that bad."
No they won't,and the only reason the prequels gets any love these days is because of the clone wars tv show,without it the prequels would still get as much hate as they did back then when they first came out.
You're absolutely right, I've seen a few say "The Clone Wars made me appreciate the prequels a lot more" although, some people did liked the prequels before Clone Wars
I heard that JJ is bad at ending movies?
Sequel trilogy is just fan fiction with a Disney budget.
Decent popcorn but bad aftertaste is how I'd describe it.
...Yeah, that's probably an accurate description.
I love how Star Wars got a revival from Disney, and we've got all this new-fangled mid-2010's CGI technology to really bring to life the iconic world and lore of Star Wars.
God, seeing the TIE Fighters "EEEEeeeAAaaaahhhhh" around the place is awesome.
But the story -- in hindsight -- could have greatly been improved. If one person had worked on all 3, then that would have at least made things cohesive and flow into each other a bit better. Also if TROS hadn't decided to retcon almost all of TLJ. Some of that stuff was... interesting. pleasedontkillme
The sequel trilogy is like if you went back to your childhood home and it looked almost exactly like it did when you were younger but things are slightly out of place or a slightly different shade of color
They had interesting ideas that weren't done enough justice.
Also how is this Rey actor at Disney Land a more believable Rey than Daisy Ridley?
Are you saying Daisy Ridley sucks?
Not exactly she's a good actress and plays Rey well
I feel like maybe casting someone a bit more wide eyed like Luke would've given Rey more charisma.
I see.
It’s confirmed to take place during episode 3 so it isn’t an error. That’s why they made Anakin’s hair longer.
Spoiler kind of maybe? Confirmed information and all but just in case you wanna be completely blind aside from the trailers
We’re also going to see order 66, so there’s more proof that it’ll be during ROTS
I mean I used to love the prequels more as a kid because it was my generation’s triology. Now I prefer the originals, then the sequels and then finally the prequels, seeing as I love all of the originals, I love all of the sequels, but I only really love on prequel, the other 2 are just kewl.
Does anyone miss the days before the release of The Force Awakens and after?