Who wants free keys to games on Steam? 2020 Edition! (21/56 keys available)
I have a number of Steam keys from 2019's Yogscast Jingle Jam Humble Bundle that I would like to give away! It's all first come first serve. Again, regulars only, no new accounts. You're welcome to pick more than one game, just try not to be greedy (maximum five keys per person).
If you don't know what some of these games are, all the titles include links to their Steam pages. So just sift through them and see if you can find something you like! Games that have been taken will be crossed out on the list like this.
The games are:
* Kingdom: New Lands
* Rapture Rejects
* Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Starter Pack
* Bastion
* Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm
* Invisible, Inc.
* Dreadlands
* Clatter
* Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
* Balancelot
* Animal Super Squad
* Misadventures of Laura Silver: Chapter I
* Battlevoid: Harbinger
* Company of Heroes
* Must Dash Amigos
* MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures
* Partial Control
* Stories: The Path of Destinies
* Omensight: Definitive Edition
* Border Force
* Rebound Dodgeball Evolved
* Adventure Boy Cheapskate DX
* A Glider's Journey
* Scanner Sombre
* Motorsport Manager
* Kalaban
* Colt Express
* Artemis: God-Queen of The Hunt
* Pumped BMX +
* YORG.io
* Cathedral
* Super Chicken Catchers
* Ninja Senki DX
* Throne of Lies® The Online Game of Deceit
* Nemo Dungeon
* Anomaly 2
* Anomaly Defenders
* Anomaly Korea
* Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign
* Anomaly: Warzone Earth
* SkyScrappers
* Rogue Rocks
* Dino Run DX
* Potatoman Seeks the Troof
* Songs of Skydale
* 1 Screen Platformer
* The Window Box
* Draw Your Game
* Downtown Drift
* Red Horizon
* THE TEAR (VR Game)
* Dead by Daylight DLC - Of Flesh and Mud
* Dead by Daylight DLC - Spark of Madness
* Dead by Daylight DLC - Curtain Call
I'd like the following, please.
*Dino Run: DX
*Ninja Senki DX
Thank you for your time, and for the giveaway!
If I can, I'd like to take Invisible, Inc. and Omensight. Thank you very much.
The Steam keys for the following games have been sent out:
Invisible Inc.
Omensight: Definitive Edition
Ninja Senki DX
Dino Run DX
Ah. Always a pleasure to see you doing these! I'd love to grab a few.
A Glider's Journey
Once again, thanks for doing this!
Ill take Cathedral please
(ps you have a big pee pee for this)
Why thank you ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Just realised this is the 10th Steam key giveaway I've done which is pretty neat (not counting a cancelled one and the ANF one).
It's been nearly 3 years since I started doing these random giveaways back in April 2017. The last big one I did was December 2018 (which was my biggest giveaway with 60 keys), when Telltale went under. I assumed at that point that it was going to be my last one so I'm pretty thankful I'm able to do another big giveaway like this.
hey lupin!
Can I have Stories: The Path of Destinies and Animal Super Squad? Thanks!
For anyone else looking, I HIGHLY recommend Scanner Sombre. Cool game, someone should snag it before it's gone!
Misadventures of Laura Silver would be neato.
Wow, still doing this Lupin? You're an awesome (charitable) guy.
I'd love to take off your hands
The following Steam keys have been sent out!
Stories: The Path of Destinies
Animal Super Squad
Misadventures of Laura Silver: Chapter I
Super Chicken Catchers
Downtown Drift
Dead by Daylight DLC: Spark of Madness
I command you to forward all of these keys to my Paypal email because I am a goatee bearded prick.

With love, Kevin Bruner.
Bitch, ur so bankrupt you don't even have a paypal.
Nothing that another lawsuit on Telltale wouldn't fix...
Ah, never looked at your reputation, i see.
Hey Lupin! If you are willing, I would like Kingdom: New Lands
If I can, I'd like Clatter, Anomaly: Warzone Earth, and Anomaly Defenders please! Thanks!
Thank you so much for the giveaway. I would like to give those keys to my friends on Steam, if they don't want them i can also make a giveaway on other community im in. So if you are willing i would like to have:
-Dead by Daylight - Of flesh and mud
-Dead by Daylight - Curtain call
-Company of Heroes
-Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
-Red Orchestra 2
The following Steam keys have been sent out!
Kingdom: New Lands
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Anomaly Defenders
Dead by Daylight - Of Flesh and Mud
Dead by Daylight - Curtain Call
Company of Heroes
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm
Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Starter Pack, please.
Very generous of you, I would like to humbly request Motorsport Manager and Scanner Sombre if they are still available.
Could I take Artemis and Red Horizon please
Thank you for doing these giveaways
May I have a code for THE TEAR (not sure if it means crying or stuff that was ripped or both), know someone who has VR that might want to try it.
Could I have the window box and partial control? Thank you for doing this!
I'd like Pumped BMX+ please. Thanks
Hello lupinb0y, thank you so much for this opportunity, this is very nice of you.
If you don't mind I would really love to get throne of lies, rapture rejects and rebound dodgeball evolved please.
Thanks for this lupinb0y,
I would like Dreadlands and HERO DEFENSE please
Lul at these new accounts.
Nice try, m8.
Good catch Pipas. Uhhhh, yeah, we'd prefer if accounts were actually active members of the community before signing up to participate in game giveaways.
(If anyone - who is an active community member - wants games still, Kingdom: New Lands is fun and worth checking out!