Is anyone else starting to feel worried about Telltale again?
Maybe they are really taking their time... but a part of me is fearing that they are taking this long because they are having problems with the development, budget, or anything else. Hope my fear is wrong!
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I think we'll see something. We're too close to when they've said they'll release. Last year would have been the time to say, "Never mind, there's no new games after all, we're just around to collect royalties from the old stuff."
Will this something be good? There's no track record yet for this new team. We'll find out in a few months.
I dont think theres much to worry about unless we reach June and theres no new info on wolf or expanse.
We've seen that they've done work on the two projects, and they even set-up some Augmented Reality interview last year with Geoff Keighley, so they seem fully prepared to bring the marketing money and show they're invested about this new turn.
I kind of like that they're doing some radio silence right now, means that when they show footage next time, it's for a reason, maybe to promote a release window, or show something a bit more substantial in terms of progress.
The worry is that one of them might not be ready this year, but we'll see... I'm very curious as to how and when they'll release these new & nostalgic titles, and even how they might be different from OG Telltale projects.
Forums are more trouble than they're worth. As long as we're still here, I'm not worried.
We kind of need a new influx of fans though.
I haven’t been to this place in years ,thought I would check it out again and glad it’s still going ,what great discussions we all used to have , the WD forum is locked right ? Why ? 😄
Holy moly,welcome back.
Telltale doesnt have the rights to TWD anymore Skybound does i believe so that's why they closed them down.
They only have the rights still for Batman and The Wolf Among us which they are working on right now.
thank you
nice to be back,and nice to see regular fans like yourself are still here , ah right that clears it up,shame they don't have the rights anymore as they created so many memorable characters in the WD universe, really missed this place and discussing everything about the games,i bought a Clem trucker style cap last week and it jogged my memory about this place
I'm not too worried. I'd rather they take their time to make the best game they can as opposed to rushing it and having it forever be average.
I am completely burned out of telltalesque video games. Telltale should have put more focus on The Wolf Among Us 2. I still don't get the desire of working on multiple projects.
creo que lo mejor es esperar teniendo en cuenta que la empresa se esta volviendo a formar y todo eso aunque siendo sincero podemos esperar algo bueno ya que esta espera puede valer la pena ya que se vienen nuevas cosas
creeme estoy de acuerdo hace poco comentaba lo mismo
I feel like wolf will never see the light of day
watches Wolf 2 turn into vaporware before your eyes
ah yes a glimpse into a timeline beyond my wildest nightmares
Xd v:
More projects means more money. However I agree they should’ve just focused on Wolf Among Us 2. I don’t really care about The Expanse and I was really hyped for Wolf while The Expanse is more of a side dish for people who just want to play something with TellTale’s logo on it.
A lot of how Telltale operates will be a bit more clear when Expanse comes out. That said, if I remember this right I think in the recent video they put out they literally described Expanse as Deck Nine Developed, Telltale published. I think we all kind of assumed this, but Telltale does 100% have developers, they aren't just publishing partners. But after hearing them actually say Telltale is basically the publisher, that does mean the Telltale dev team has probably been focusing more on Wolf 2 while the business side focuses on Expanse. May end up finding out Telltale's development side wasn't even involved and Deck Nine just used their own tools.
I still hope we get an update to Wolf 2 before the end of the year, but honestly it seems unlikely we get anything until after Expanse wraps, and by that point they'd probably wait for the game awards. I think my main fears for Expanse coming first is what if isn't well received, which then may turn people off to New Telltale. The other and more likely is that the Expanse does not sell well which sadly looks like it will be the case. It feels like no one at all cares about Expanse and summer will be here before we know it, so I hope they find a way to better reach an audience. If it sells poorly, I am unsure if that would be worse for Deck Nine or Telltale.
End of the day though, I think Wolf 2 delayed really has nothing much to do with Expanse existing. I think everyone at Telltale and AdHoc knows they want to make something special and dont want to cut corners. I mean is it gonna be 10 years since the game ended until the sequel? Yes, but at least it will (hopefully) feel like a completed successor to the first.
I have faith in Telltale but I am mostly just waiting for Wolf Among Us 2 that will prove how Telltale is performing.