[PS5] Unable to login with newly created account (verified email)

Game returning "The email and/or password you entered is incorrect"

Created account via this website, verified email & changed password twice to no avail

Skipped login at Launch after multiple attempts, attempted login via Extras menu after completing Ep1 but still returning same error.



  • Same problem. But I can't login with the account I've always had.

  • TelltaleDarrenTelltaleDarren ModeratorVerified

    Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that we pushed an update that SHOULD sort things. If you're still having trouble connecting, please do let me know!

    -Darren from Telltale

  • "Logged in successfully." Thank you! :)

    Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that we pushed an update that SHOULD sort things. If you're still having trouble connecting, please do let me know! -Darren from Telltale

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