It was all pretty awesome. I usually walk away when the credits go, but was glued to the screen when I saw Murray. Favorite in this episode is probably his laugh when Guybrush tells him that he is useless.
However, the best line ever would probably be the paste on the arm part in curse.
Did anyone else spend AGES looking for lips for Murray? I was trying to get a face from him and was convinced that getting him lips was the answer... oh dear.
Favorite Line from Episode 3:
All of them!!! Especially
"Smite him"
"Marketing, I sell myself."
and the "How many numskulls does it take to make one of these anyway!"
I seriously thought when Lucas Arts came up in the credits he'd have a snide remark...but sadly nothing.
Favorite Line from MI3:
"If I gave you your arm back what would you do with it?"
"I'd terrorize the south seas, I'd torture the living, I'd demolish I meant to say was that I'd use it to pet kittens."
"Noope, you blew it."
Favorite other line from MI3:
"You may call me Murray! I am a powerful demonic force, I am the harbinger of your doom, and the forces of darkness shall applaud me as I stride through the gates of hell, carrying your head on a pike."
"Alright then Roll...Roll through the gates of hell. Must you take the fun out of everything?"
I can't believe you picked that stupid anchor over meeee!
However, the best line ever would probably be the paste on the arm part in curse.
I Make Mi Own Voice!! (e.r.f.)
I was hoping him to say something when the game THANKS "You, yes you". Hope we meet him again!!
Best credits in any Telltale game ever!
"I've got a better haircut than him", and about the testers "Sitting in darkened rooms with lava-lamps...."
All of his dialogue was classy - full marks to the person/people who wrote it.
-- But you can't taste
-- It's still disgusting!
*tries to think of one not already mentioned*
I think I'd better replay the episode so the ones ppl haven't mentioned sink in better.
All of them!!! Especially
"Smite him"
"Marketing, I sell myself."
and the "How many numskulls does it take to make one of these anyway!"
I seriously thought when Lucas Arts came up in the credits he'd have a snide remark...but sadly nothing.
Favorite Line from MI3:
"If I gave you your arm back what would you do with it?"
"I'd terrorize the south seas, I'd torture the living, I'd demolish I meant to say was that I'd use it to pet kittens."
"Noope, you blew it."
Favorite other line from MI3:
"You may call me Murray! I am a powerful demonic force, I am the harbinger of your doom, and the forces of darkness shall applaud me as I stride through the gates of hell, carrying your head on a pike."
"Alright then Roll...Roll through the gates of hell. Must you take the fun out of everything?"
When you close the inventory.
Guybrush: "You're literate now?"
Murray "Not completly"
Guybrush: "But I just got you into the Brotherhood!"
Murray: "Making my betrayal all the more... EEEEEVIL! Mwahahahahahaha!"
Murray: "Help? Why would I need help? I WILL END YOU!"
Guybrush: "Okay, bye then!"
Murray: "Maybe just a little..."
Guybrush: "Wow, you've gone political."
Murray: "Well, I just learnt all those words..."
That might have something to do with TesterNick's recently-released wallpaper
(or the other way round, I shoud say)