I got some ideas for episodes

edited November 2006 in Sam & Max
My grammar is bad Im sorry.

Yes I am insane and Im looking for places for it is constructive

Can you please make an episode where sam has to get into a ring and fight ?

Could you please make an episode that minics vicent price in the house of wax...? Like have a wax museum in it and have the characters fight wax monsters that come to life and in the end make it so that sam and max have to fight themselves.....??
PLEASE IF YOU DO THAT . Make sure the villian has a resemblance to vincent price.

I got another idea. Could you make a level THE HAUNT MASTER where shops and businesses are closed because of random hauntings and your job is to prove that the hauntings are just clevel tricks and then the shops can reopen??
The ending could end in a haunted house ooooh so many cool puzzels could be there!!!

I got another idea could you make an eipisde with ninjas that come to american in a cult and rob the art museum of all of its culutural art and sam and max begin the game off in a video where they are at the muesum trying to stop the ninjas but they escape before sam and max can catch them and the ninjas vanish...then....later after that same and max find clues that led them straight to the hide out in JAPAN!!!
Comment by briankory November 3, 2006, 2:07 pm

og the haunted house ending in the haunt master would be like a fun house designed by the villian to try to trap you in rooms to prevent you from reaching the villian.

House of wax would be wax mosnters robbiing banks and what not...lol but it would be alot of cool to make.

I got so many ideas if you want to hear more PLEASE just say so.

Comment by briankory November 3, 2006, 2:10 pm



In this episode there is an old 70's DJ who was betrayed by his fans when the new sound of music hit the world within the next genertation. The 80's was the new cool and the 70's died.

So this Dj betrayed by the society and music listeners creates a mechnaciall suit . He wears it and on his front and back are large speakers tied to him like a vest..ok ok And on he carries around like a vacum shaped tube that rages out realy realy loud 70's music that causes glass to explode and people to pass out on the ground.....His music is a powerfull weapon.

He is 70's funk wiht a avengenge!!!! sorry cant spell but my ideas might be cool...or outthere.

The music could like tame animals or anything.

I can think of more if you want but if you guys dont want me to Ill stop...

The music destorys buildings and causes massive destuction,.


  • edited November 2006
    why does it sound more like Scooby-Doo than Sam&Max?

    mmm... sam&max as a Scooby-Doo parody... actually that doesn't sound bad at all.
  • edited November 2006
    take your medz kids :eek:
  • edited November 2006
    And there was me thinking I was weird. And considering I smothered all of my schools bathrooms with (fake) bloody hand prints and put fangs on all the toilets, that's saying a lot.
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