Chapter 4 - End Credits (Possible spoilers)
Did my eyes deceive me or did it really say:
Demon LeChuck - Earl Boen
But he was in Zombie form... Unless Earl Boen's Demon LeChuck was supposed to be in CH4, but will be in CH5 instead..... (Zombie still sounded like the VA from CH1).
Let's hope it is true
Demon LeChuck - Earl Boen
But he was in Zombie form... Unless Earl Boen's Demon LeChuck was supposed to be in CH4, but will be in CH5 instead..... (Zombie still sounded like the VA from CH1).
Let's hope it is true

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But still, he didn't sound as Earl Boen even though his "Demon" form is credited to be his.
I think that's because in MI3 and 4 they added a little effect to his voice, like an echo-y thing, and without it he doesn't sound the same.
Isn't it a nice feeling when good things happen to good people
Thanks mate...
Yes it is...
I added an acho-y sound to the Zombie/Demon form.
Not as good as LucasArts, but close enough :P
Hopes that TT will add the effect in chapter 5 (and CH1+4 in the DVD release)
I just hope the echo-y sound like CMI/EMI gets added to make him sound more like the previous games
My favorite LeChuck voice acting bits are the ones in the opening of Curse, before he goes "demon" and is run through a vocoder. I always found that distracting, personally. Maybe its just me!
Everyone knows demons/zombies/etc. carry around portable vocoders to make their voice sound ominous.
Anyone else immediately imagine Elaine asking how she got there and why her mouth tastes like Coleslaw after waking up at Guybrush's place before they got together?
No? Just me? Oh well.
I really want Timmy the Monkey to be in the game somewhere; so I think on the DVD-version they should replace Evil-Demon-barber or whatever with a picture of Timmy the monkey reclining on a chez long!
Whats up with the coleslaw??
A reference to the scene in CMI when LeChuck demands "MORE SLAW!"
"Burn every island in the Carribean if you have to, but bring me my wife! And more slaw!!! Curse those villains, they never give you enough slaw with those baggy meals".
It is time to replay the classics methinks.....
Lechuck was moaning about a lack of slaw in Curse.
see I can remember it too when its mentioned in the posts right above mine..
I pretend it said Evil Ghost Zombie Demon LeChuck™, as his current form has elements that make him look a bit more than like just a Zombie.
Also, Jake got a question for you... Seeing as how Telltale has hired Earl Boen, any chance that you could get him to re-record LeChuck's lines in Chapter 1, for the CD release? Kevin Blackton does a great human LeChuck, but I much prefer Earl's version of Evil LeChuck™.
By the ctart of COMI (and presumably a lot of voodoo later), he is in full fighting form, so that's kinda more dmeonic than zombie-ey.
Then he gets blown up and ends up more like a demonic, ghosty creature. Then presumably after a lot more voodoo becomes a neutered satire, strangely less angry and driven than he ever was before.
Let's not forget in SMI he changed his appearance at some point. (was wearing a man-suit).
I thought it was vandal wheels! My bad hearing! Oh well
Huh, and I thought he said 'value meals,' seeing how it actually makes sense...
I am also curious about this. Earl Boen is great at it.
That one totally cracked me up 'cos I immediately remembered a scene of a Finnish war movie from 1955. After a night drinking one of the guys gets up in the morning and says "I feel like someone's been eating cat shit with my mouth"
I was wondering if while they had him they thought to have him record the chapter 1 lines, because it won't be internally consistent if they have two actors for the same role.
Hey Jake, any chance you guys had Earl re-do Chapter 1's lines? Because I find the switch a bit distracting, even though I like Earl in the role much better. It'd be great to have a consistently Earl Boen version for the DVD.
EDIT: Yeah, what they said.
Ah, so that'd be why Britney Spears uses one.