[SPOILER ALERT] Chapter 4 similarity to...
Guys, have you noticed that Chapter 4 was somewhat similar to...
- Agetian
LOST? All those mysterious events that weren't explained in the same chapter and were actually left for the next installment of the game, multiple deaths, some of them under mysterious circumstances (e.g. Morgan), and this whole "island covered in a bright white-greenish flash of light" ending, with the light being quite fateful for the inhabitants of the island, looked kinda like LOST season 2 and season 4 endings... I found it a quite interesting comparison. And actually, all those things blended perfectly with the storyline, with the dark (very MI-ish!) atmosphere of the chapter, and with the Monkey Island style in general.
Could it have been a reference, were the authors under the influence of that TV series, or was it just a coincidence? - Agetian
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-Islands are not exclusive to LOST
-Cliffhangers and mysteries are not exclusive to LOST
- Agetian
I think it'd be more fun to find the similarities between MI and Gilligan's Island...hmmm...
Then again, I agree that LOST has become rather cliche' and it's a collection of something of everything, so I dunno if it was at all possible not to have parallels with it when telling a dark mysterious story happening at a tropical island with voodoo magic going on.
As for Harry Potter... hmm, I dunno... call me stupid, but I've read all seven books and I fail to see what obvious parallels there are between the two (HP/MI, I mean). At any rate, that's slightly off-topic, so I won't dig into that too much.
- Agetian
I will put it up to mere coincidence though. If Telltale meant it as a nod to Lost, I'm sure there would have been more obvious signs.
Also, that HP thread is ridiculous. =P
And it's green as well : )
Both...have PEOPLE.
Both show WATER!
Both show people in WATER!
Both show people OUT OF WATER!
Both have goats!
Both have moats!
Both have stoats!
Both show coats!
Both get my votes!
Both pass notes!
It's so simple, yet so difficult!
YES! You are correct! People..WITH NAMES!
Well, not the connection - of course there's no direct connection, just similarity in certain effects and the manner of presentation, take a look at the YouTube video I linked above, then replay the last scene of Chapter 4, and hopefully you'll see what I mean. If not, well, don't blame me for trying to make you see. But even if won't see it even then, would you still deny that some of the scenes and the effects used [in that youtube video and in chapter 4] (e.g. people looking at the glowing bright light, the island shown from far away with the glowing light spreading across it) are notably similar? Well, maybe it's just me then, I don't know... It's also the case that the general idea behind the event (at the most abstract level, no direct connection implied!) is somewhat similar - in the LOST scene linked above, one of the characters uses a certain *ancient technical device* to cause an event that creates a visual effect of the *glowing bright light* spreading *across the entire island* and causing a certain *fateful event* (in that case, moving the island). In ToMI ch4,
No direct connection, just the general similarity of course, but still - is it really not noticeable and it's just me, or does someone else see it? Just trying to understand if maybe I'm hallucinating here and I've watched too much LOST and played too much ToMI lately...
- Agetian
You could draw parallels with pretty much everything if you read into it that deeply. For me, I thought it was pretty unique.
That's the sad reality of movie-making and game-making nowadays - whatever unique thing you're trying to do, it very often turns out that it's been done a few dozen times before you already. The difference is in the acceptance of that fact - whether one chooses to accept and acknowledge it, listening to logic and reason, or blindly ignores it and keeps reassuring himself that "no, it's unique, no matter what!"
- Agetian