Unicode support?

edited November 2009 in Site Support
How about fixing the Unicode support for the forum?

In the rest of the site, my name appears properly, Cri-U+015F-an, only here the UTF-8 is just dumped as ANSI, Cri-U+005C-U+0178-an.

For that matter, also fix the shipping system: either add proper Unicode support or strip the diacriticals from the letters.

Attached is a picture of what I got.

Not all of us live in the US, you know :)


  • edited November 2009
    P.S. Kudos to UPS for being able to decode the address.
  • edited November 2009
    Thanks godness my name has no accents or something...
  • edited November 2009
    I always replace Ö with O and Ä with A on internet shopping etc. That is the way people would read it anyway.

    Almost same as if someone demands that everyone should speak Esperanto: It is universal, but only few would understand. No, we stay in english.
  • edited November 2009
    ezuli wrote: »
    I always replace Ö with O and Ä with A on internet shopping etc. That is the way people would read it anyway.

    Almost same as if someone demands that everyone should speak Esperanto: It is universal, but only few would understand. No, we stay in english.
    Maybe I should start writing my name like this: Flourine Krischaan, so there can be no doubts about it. :D

    Then again, English orthography is not really consistent, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ough_%28orthography%29

    I'm sorry, but being a programmer myself, I feel there is no good reason for asciification in 2009; only sloppiness, ignorance, and laziness. And maybe legacy code ;)
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