Wallace and Gromit 20 years Free Game (corrupted file)

edited November 2009 in Site Support
Hey guys,

It seems I have some problems with the Wallace And Gromit free game. I downloaded it twice, and every time I try to install it (aka simply double-click on the file) I get an error message that tells me the file is broken or corrupted.
If this is the only complaint you received about the game, it must be my PC's fault, something to do with RAM issues, possibly.

Thanks! :)


  • David EDavid E Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2009
    Hey SWP, the free episode of Muzzled! isn't any different than the regular version. It sounds like maybe a connection issue emerged while you were downloading it, and your cache is preventing you from downloading a fresh copy of it. Try clearing that out and downloading again, and see if that works.
  • edited November 2009
    Hey David!

    Yep, I kinda figured it out. You see, my bro installed Spore, interesting game, boring for me at one point. Main idea: there were only 50 Mb of space left on C:
    Thus, Muzzled could not download completely and got stuck along the way. I didn't notice that until you mentioned the cache thing.
    So, in conclusion, I shamelessly uninstalled Spore. Just kidding, I asked my bro if it's ok. :p Disk space cleared the problem.

    Thank you! I can't wait to play it! :D
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