Strange behaviour...

edited November 2006 in Site Support
...of the games' pages.
My browser (IE 7) opens them, but the telltale animated logo keeps shining, nothing happens, no description or download link is displayed. That section of the pages remains black with only the logo on it.
The pages worked perfectly some days ago with the very same version of the browser.


  • edited November 2006
    D'oh! Looks like IE's new native XMLHTTP support breaks our ajax library. I'll look for a fix on Monday, but in the meantime, open up Internet Options and go to the advanced tab. In there, disable "Enable native XMLHTTP support" and it'll work.
  • edited November 2006
    Thanks! It works now. :D
    It's kinda slower though...
  • edited November 2006
    tabacco wrote: »
    D'oh! Looks like IE's new native XMLHTTP support breaks our ajax library. I'll look for a fix on Monday, but in the meantime, open up Internet Options and go to the advanced tab. In there, disable "Enable native XMLHTTP support" and it'll work.

    Not only IE, but also Opera is having the same problem here. :)

  • SquinkySquinky Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    That's strange. I'm a member of Oprah's Browser Club, and it seems to work for me...
  • edited November 2006
    Yeah, I tried it on your computer, remember? :)

    Erwin, Opera 9, right?
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