minor prob with past purchases

edited November 2006 in Site Support
Hi thanks again for the great games and support. Today i bought Sam and Max culture shock, but my paypal e-mail address isnt the same as the e-mail i sign into the site with. In my account activation email it says that it has set up an account under this other email. is it possible to get this new account merged with my existing one? or am i just being silly and misunderstanding the e-mail? perhaps im just not paitent enough, and it will update my past purchaces in the next couple of days?
Thanks again, the game is absolutely fantastic... I think i love you guys


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    The accounts can be merged. Send a PM to Tabacco and let him know what email addresses you used and which one you want for your account.
  • edited November 2006
    ok will do, thanks again
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