
edited November 2006 in Sam & Max

I have EPISODE 1 installed on my machine.

Say I'd want to uninstall the game and reinstall it at a later stage. How would I go about doing this?

Your friend,


(PS, I had a dream last night where Sam & Max were sitting in my class at school, and we made an EPISODE of SAM & MAX where MAX did all the lip-synching, and I asked him if he enjoyed it and he shook his head. Strange, because I've been out of school for a number of years. Also told my ex-boss we were stopping the SAM & MAX series because it was too rushed, and we didn't have the time to do good lip-synching. She went off and shot herself. Also dreamed there was a SAM & MAX MOVIE just released, something to do with pirates and the caribbean. Anyway, I digress.)


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