whos your favourite baddie from Monkey Island in order

this probably has been done before but oh well, well you got to choose your favourite baddie, from top fav to least fav, and if you choose lechuck, then what version of him...and it would be nice to say why you like them

heres mine

1. Lechuck (has to be in the number one spot, i like his foul mouth,spitting when he speak zombie form in number 2 (i miss his spitting action) )

2. Largo Legrand (short creep who robbed your booty in on scabb island,but great character, funny part is that he wears a bra)

3. De singe (a new contendor, but easily a favourite,i thought it was funny when he lands in the idol and you have to twist him,disturbing i know, but still funny)

4. Morgan leflay (well you can class her as a anti-hero,shes neither good nor bad,but hey she chopped off guybrushs hand, and i like her cause shes sexy aswell :P )

there are other baddies in the series like captain rottingham and ozzie mandril, and a few other, but i felt these are my top, even though its four...so what are your top baddies and why?


  • edited December 2009
    Herman Toothrot (lying to Threepwood was just plain evil!)
  • edited December 2009
    Best to worst-

    Zombie LeChuck 10/10
    Human/Poxed LeChuck 10/10
    The Marquis De Singe 10/10
    Largo LeGrande 10/10
    Morgan LeFlay (I guess) 8/10
    Ghost LeChuck 8/10
    Demon LeChuck 6/10
    The Democratically United Brotherhood of the Manatee Interior 6/10
    MacGillicutty and Crew (yes I list him) 5/10
    Ozzie Mandril 2/10
    Captain Rottingham 2/10
    Stone LeChuck 0/10
  • edited December 2009
    1. Murray! (Yes, he is evil hence a villain)
    2. Largo
    3. Human LeChuck
    4. Dead LeChuck
  • edited December 2009
    "whos your favourite baddie from Monkey Island in order"

    Man, these polls are getting trickier and more challenging all the time...
  • edited December 2009
    Lechuck lechuck lechuck!!!
  • edited December 2009
    jojo jr. (for monkey kombat)
    zombie lechuck
    the melee island troll
  • edited December 2009
    Two, Four, Six, Eight who do we assassinate LARGO! LARGO! yeah
  • edited December 2009
    Human LeChuck literally made me anxious because I just did not trust him at all throughout the whole game and was all "NO, Guybrush, NO!" when he started to trust him. Since I was playing episode 4 with my friend, as soon as we both saw him come out near the end I yelled out "HOW DID THAT MOTHER****** ESCAPE FROM JAIL" and my friend yelled out "OH CRAP HE HAS A SWORD" at the same exact time.

    Every other version of LeChuck is awesome too, but they didn't make me that anxious, so Human LeChuck just gets #1 from me out of respect.
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