Murray Christmas!!!

"Bwahahahahahaha!!! I'm controlling Christmas!!!
Repent! Repent!
You shall gimme your gifts and live in despair!!!

"... In other words: Merry Chistmas..."


Seems like the Tales of monkey island are finished now, so let's have time together!!!

Har! Har! Har! Murray Christmas, Pirates!!!


  • edited December 2009
    You just gave me a briliant idea
    do one of those Mall Santa gigs and wear a skull mask
    any of those disbeliving kids pull off the beard they get a face full of undead demon LeChuck... I mean Santa
  • edited December 2009
  • edited December 2009
    Demra wrote: »
    You just gave me a briliant idea
    do one of those Mall Santa gigs and wear a skull mask
    any of those disbeliving kids pull off the beard they get a face full of undead demon LeChuck... I mean Santa

    They wouldn't understand the Murray reference, they'd think you were ripping off Terry Pratchett!
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