Chapter 5 Game Frozen - Maybe Spoilers!

edited December 2009 in Tales of Monkey Island
Ive just been back to speak to Morgan who has said she is having fun with the sord fighting but doesnt want to stay forever but when I have left all I can see is Morgan standing there and now cant click seem to do anythning to get the game moving again, any one else got this or know what I can do!!



  • edited December 2009
    I brought this bug up earlier. Just load your autosave-itll be right before the freeze. Talk to Morgan a little, and then you should be able to leave normally. Also, apparently you can drag the cursor down to the right or something, but I didn't try it.
  • edited December 2009
    I had a similar freeze-up later on in the game. I just saved, quit and then reloaded and it fixed for me. I hope this helps! If you cannot save, then you will need to ctrl+alt+del (on PCs) and force the programme to close. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, though, as I've noticed that there are fewer automatic saving checkpoints in this chapter than in the rest.
    Good luck!
  • edited December 2009
    Just loaded the autosave it took me back a little bit but never mind hopfully will be ok now. Thanks
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