When will we be able to get our collection edition DVD?

As i remember, the deal with the CE was that we where getting the CE DVD for only the price of shipping. Anyone that got a clue when this will be in affect?
Sorry if its been posted alot but wanted to ask.


  • edited December 2009
    That's exactly the thing I came onto to forum to look for an answer for too :P
  • edited December 2009
    It's been posted about a few times. We're not getting the DVD before Christmas, and the precedent with other games is that it'll be a couple months at least before the special features are created and the discs are authored and produced. Also, they do need to make sure Episode 1 gets the surprising Earl Boen voice-over treatment.
  • edited December 2009
    I was trying to remember what the deal was with the DVD, wheather it was free or half price or free shipping or only shipping.

    I assume the CE was the $34.95 pre-order?
  • edited December 2009
    Pre-orders get the DVD for the price of shipping, rest I've not a clue as I had it on pre-order.

    Absolute cheap as chips that makes the game.

    Can't wait for the expected Season 2 and (hopeful) Le Chucks revenge revamp double annoucement next year :)
  • edited December 2009
    If I got it correctly:
    * If you buy all the season, you can get the CE (Collector Edition, I guess?) DVD, regardless if you did pre-order or not, or if you buy the whole season at once, or the separated chapters.
    * Steam and WiiWare customers will not get the DVD.
    * The DVD is free.
    * The shipping is not free (unless you take advantage of some promotion, maybe)
    * Only pre-order customers will get the exclusive Purcell-designed DVD cover. The rest of us will get a standard DVD cover, not THAT cool, but I hope cool anyway. In that way, the DVD for pre-orderers is more "CE", than the regular CE DVD.
  • jmmjmm
    edited December 2009
    Correct Javi.

    If you didn't pre-order, you also missed:
    -Access to the Private Pirate forum before season launch.
    -A "free episode" code for the episodic series of your choosing
  • edited December 2009
    Umm, The "Free Episode" thing continued some time after launch. I bought TOMI a day or two after release (after being satisfied by the demo) and still got the free episode code.
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