Episode 4 - Wii Review (The Sun)

Saw a review of Episode 4 in English newspaper The Sun on Friday.

Sorry, I don't have it to hand but I remember they gave it 4.5/5 and said it was almost as good as LeChuck's Revenge. High praise indeed.

Just thought you'd all like to know.


  • edited December 2009
    Well, if The Sun says it's good then it must be true. ;)
  • edited December 2009
    Yep, The Sun always bring us the truth at all costs. They even ask women who can't afford shirts or bras for their opinion on important issues. Equality for all classes.
  • edited December 2009
    I'm surprised they bothered reviewing it. I wonder if they managed to forge a connection with topless women?
  • edited December 2009
    Friar wrote: »
    I'm surprised they bothered reviewing it. I wonder if they managed to forge a connection with topless women?

    Sister Agnes?
  • edited December 2009
    TioAlli wrote: »
    Sister Agnes?
    ... *runs out and buys paper*
  • edited December 2009
    This isn't true. The people who write The Sun don't know how electronic devices work. They only know boobs, football, and self-loathing because they don't feel manly enough around their friends.
  • edited December 2009
    The Sun is hated where I live... making up stories about football fans urinating on the dead isn't exactly endearing behavior. (And this is from someone who doesn't care about football!) As an aspiring journalist, I find it frustrating that such a crap newspaper even exists... and people buy/ read it! (well, look at the pictures of topless women at least!)
  • edited December 2009
    martymcfly wrote: »
    The Sun is hated where I live... making up stories about football fans urinating on the dead isn't exactly endearing behavior. (And this is from someone who doesn't care about football!) As an aspiring journalist, I find it frustrating that such a crap newspaper even exists... and people buy/ read it! (well, look at the pictures of topless women at least!)
    Yes but are their women even all that great?
  • edited December 2009
    Yes but are their women even all that great?

    I wouldn't know! But I assume they will be of the fake breasts/ enhanced lips/ 99% plastic variety... in other words, many guy's dreams! But to me... yuck.
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