ive never downloaded a game before. so this is new to me.

edited December 2009 in Tales of Monkey Island
how does this downloading work. im new to this.

i know that you use the account you created to post in order to unlock the download but can you download it to more than one computer? i am buying this game for someone else but would like to play it myself if i get the chance. will i need to buy two copies to do that?

also i was wondering if the wii versions were any good.


  • edited December 2009
    I've managed to install it on multiple computers. Just ask whoever you're buying it for if they will let you use their serial number. Otherwise you will have to buy your own copies.

    --edit- sorry didnt comment on the wii version. I don't mind the wii version, but expect longer load times, and poorer graphics. Sadly the wii does not have enough power to run Tales at its full potential. But I actually liked the control scheme better for the wii.
  • edited December 2009
    You can download the game on multiple computers, as many times as you like (there is a limit, but it's very high i think). As for the wii versions, they are generally inferior to the PC versions. And more expensive.
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