StrongBrush1 should be banned for not translating this:
On veut juste vous bouffer le cerveau
Non, ce n’est pas si bête
Ca va pas t’couter les yeux d’la tête
On veut juste vous bouffer le cerveau
On est coincés ici
On pourrait faire une sorte de compromis:
Ouvre nous la porte
Qu’on puisse vous choper pour vous bouffer l’cerveau
RingmasterJ5 should be banned because i have translated it.
All we wanna do is eat your brains
We're not unreasonable, I mean, no one's gonna eat your eyes
All we wanna do is eat your brains
We're at an impasse here, maybe we should compromise:
If you open up the doors
We'll all come inside and eat your brains
I Dare you to translate this:
Geisteshäuser und Sicherheitsregalgemeinschaften.
Erinnerten Sie sich, dem Lohn das Dienstprogramm zu zahlen?
Mann verflixte Polizei-Linie, die Sie besser nicht kreuzen!
Ist sie die Spindel oder ist ich das ein that' s-wirklich gefährliche
Hygiene, Verfallsdatum, Frage alles.
Oh halt die Schnauze und seien Sie ein Opfer der Berechtigung
Spirit houses and safety shelf communities.
She remembered to pay the wage, the utility?
Damn man police line you better not cross!
Is she the spindle or I is the one that 's really dangerous
Hygiene, expiration date, question everything.
Oh shut up and be a victim of authority
ShotgunStalker should be banned for promoting twitter, the tool of the devil. Twitter will kick start the apocalypse...this is the beginning of the end, people!
Hassat Hunter should be banned for not being properly prepared for the zombie apocalypse. What if it were to happen tomorrow? Have you really taken the necessary precautions? Is there enough fuel in your car to get you far enough out of town? Do you own the appropriate weaponry to fight them off? Have you played 'Left 4 Dead' in order to get your practice in? Are you living far enough away from the cemetery? Have you considered any of this!?
StrongBrush1 should be banned for having a signature that takes up more than 75% of his total post. It's unnecessary, it's stupid and it's offensive to the monkeys.
RingmasterJ5 should be banned for being a hypocrite; he himself has linked that Monkey video like 18,000 times. Besides, if you hate Family Guy then you hate monkey scratching.
On veut juste vous bouffer le cerveau
Non, ce n’est pas si bête
Ca va pas t’couter les yeux d’la tête
On veut juste vous bouffer le cerveau
On est coincés ici
On pourrait faire une sorte de compromis:
Ouvre nous la porte
Qu’on puisse vous choper pour vous bouffer l’cerveau
All we wanna do is eat your brains
We're not unreasonable, I mean, no one's gonna eat your eyes
All we wanna do is eat your brains
We're at an impasse here, maybe we should compromise:
If you open up the doors
We'll all come inside and eat your brains
I Dare you to translate this:
Geisteshäuser und Sicherheitsregalgemeinschaften.
Erinnerten Sie sich, dem Lohn das Dienstprogramm zu zahlen?
Mann verflixte Polizei-Linie, die Sie besser nicht kreuzen!
Ist sie die Spindel oder ist ich das ein that' s-wirklich gefährliche
Hygiene, Verfallsdatum, Frage alles.
Oh halt die Schnauze und seien Sie ein Opfer der Berechtigung
EDIT: Wait, what? OK:
Spirit houses and safety shelf communities.
She remembered to pay the wage, the utility?
Damn man police line you better not cross!
Is she the spindle or I is the one that 's really dangerous
Hygiene, expiration date, question everything.
Oh shut up and be a victim of authority
I don't think that translated right.
Hayden should be banned for because we already have a zombie on the forums. Also, this.
Note that this is just a Warning *hint hint*
1.I hate Family Guy.
2.That sitcom is fake.
Also, watch this, then this.
Use XP like sensible people (ie. me).