Hassat Hunter should be banned for sort of having a point there. But you can't say that you've never laughed at a racial joke before.
Edit: For what it's worth, I don't consider myself racist and I am not a fan of racism, I think it's a bad thing. But sometimes I get a guilty laugh out of a racial joke. I don't usually repeat them though, that's why I didn't do so here.
Hayden should be banned for being right.
Today even (browsing Mass Effect 2 forums where there was a gag about "nobody likes you Jacob... because you're black!").
The Highway should be banned because when he marooned me on that god-forsaken spit of land, he forgot one very important thing. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?
Hassat Hunter should be banned for sort of having a point there. But you can't say that you've never laughed at a racial joke before.
Edit: For what it's worth, I don't consider myself racist and I am not a fan of racism, I think it's a bad thing. But sometimes I get a guilty laugh out of a racial joke. I don't usually repeat them though, that's why I didn't do so here.
Today even (browsing Mass Effect 2 forums where there was a gag about "nobody likes you Jacob... because you're black!").
Well, of course, IT IS, but still...
Aren't you aware how important these things are around here?
For those who don't know, the word 'ranga' is just a name for somebody with red hair, people have begun using in Australia only recently.
The rabble above is hereby pardoned.