Neelo should be banned for not posting a picture of peppers with that ban, if for no other reason than to cause emotional distress to The Highway. In that spirit, I'll post one so that I don't get banned for being lazy again.
Neelo should be banned for not wanting me to want to be banned by someone who already banned me on a thread where I have been banned about one hundred times named the banned game where the whole objective is to create a reason to ban and be banned.
Neelo should be banned for assuming I don't know the Secret of Donkey Island
The secret is that it's a low budget rip off of The Secret of Monkey Island, but that wasn't much of a secret, was it? I mean, the main character's name was Donkeybrush Threepdonkey!
The Higwhay should be banned for posting the Secret of Donkey Island and spoiling the end of the game for me. I hope Don Keylbert sues him for spoiling the Secret for all those who didn't buy the
low budget ripp off of The Secret of Monkey Island
DonkeyNeelo should be donkeybanned for donkeysuggesting that lowdonkeybrow donkeyidea to me to donkeyuse on a highdonkeystandart online donkeynewsletter.
Anyway, The Highway should be banned for getting his name from an Audioslave song... yes?