dadsticksbanned should be banned because he didn't use a period on his post. If you use a period, don't forget to use a Hayden!
The Mighty M should be banned for not being mean.
jaden551 dies by an elaborately carved wooden penguin with bricks inside it falling on him, getting back up, shooting him, burying him in a shallow grave, digging him back up, shoving missiles in his mouth and sending him on a one way ride to Santa Lucia because he called me a mommy's boy and is then banned forever!
P.S I am not american, I'm just using American words
P.P.S Boy, ain't this fun
the mighty midget is banned because he won't give a reason for banning he is just locked up un his basement for everyone to see acting like a moleman under bright UV blight and in a sauna while having randy newman singing about every little movement you make.
Sorry got off topic,
You really need to leave you very data presence annoys me.
(tabstis is dead to me. And soon, everyone else...)
The Mighty M should be banned for not being mean.
edit: curse you above me!
Neeloshould be banned for being above me.
P.S I am not american, I'm just using American words
P.P.S Boy, ain't this fun
EDIT: Damn you Neelo!
baden551 should be banned for riding bumper carts.
Ah, but am I?
Why, thank you! I try my hardest. Now you are banned!
Sorry got off topic,
You really need to leave you very data presence annoys me.
tabby should be something becaue something.