ToMI Banner Ads


If this has been around for a while, then I guess I've just never seen it, but...

I just saw this ad on the Silent Hill Wiki and I kinda wanna know who's responsible for it, because it was frankly groan-worthy. Mostly from the romance part, but Guybrush's eyes sorta freaked me out too.
Maybe if there was one that was a bit more tasteful like unto the Chapter 5 ad on the top of the page?

Or maybe that's just me being weird and nitpicky.

What are other peoples thoughts on it?


  • edited December 2009
    Giant Tope wrote: »

    If this has been around for a while, then I guess I've just never seen it, but...

    I just saw this ad on the Silent Hill Wiki and I kinda wanna know who's responsible for it, because it was frankly groan-worthy. Mostly from the romance part, but Guybrush's eyes sorta freaked me out too.
    Maybe if there was one that was a bit more tasteful like unto the Chapter 5 ad on the top of the page?

    Or maybe that's just me being weird and nitpicky.

    What are other peoples thoughts on it?

    I'm weirded out seeing it at random places because I am used to seeing shovelware. Makes me wonder... :p
  • edited December 2009
    I must admit, the ads did seem... crappy. Half-done and pays absolutely no respect to the game. If I hadn't of played the game, this ad would have been another cheap little banner that I pay no attention to, or worse, make a mental note to avoid said advertee.
  • edited December 2009
    the more i look at that guybrush head the funnier it becomes
  • edited December 2009
    I saw it on zamzar as i was downloading a LeChcik theme
  • edited December 2009
    I liked their extreme weirdness, but when I was two I used to laugh out loud at the "Pink Elephants on Parade" segment in Dumbo.
  • edited December 2009
    It's really a terrible ad. I concur with Tpravetz that people seeing it are more likely to avoid the game. I hope Telltale pulls it soon. They could do so much better.

    EDIT: Of course, it's entirely possible that LucasArts is running that ad. Seems likely, in fact, since it says LucasArts on the bottom and nowhere does it say Telltale Games.
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