Treasure hunting help

edited January 2010 in Site Support
So I was doing the MI treasure hunting on the Wii. I finished all of them. However, after typing in the codes to unlock the maps, I can't seem to access the third page now! The arrows are still there, but when i click on the arrow it acts like its starting to move but it just stops after like one half of a second! Can somebody help please?


  • edited January 2010
    joseppey wrote: »
    So I was doing the MI treasure hunting on the Wii. I finished all of them. However, after typing in the codes to unlock the maps, I can't seem to access the third page now! The arrows are still there, but when i click on the arrow it acts like its starting to move but it just stops after like one half of a second! Can somebody help please?
    The support team are on holiday at the moment, which is why you haven't had a reply yet. I can only say to try the webpage on a differet Browser/PC.
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