Commentary on Season 2 DVD

edited January 2010 in Sam & Max
Okay, so I'm guessing this came up when the DVD came out for sale, but I've owned the DVDs for a while and had never put them in my DVD player for some reason...

I watched all the Season One commentaries and loved them, and then I popped Season Two in my player, and....
There wasn't the Sound Guys Commentary. Is it hidden or is it just not available for Season Two? And if it isn't why? Were they too busy?

I have to admit, the commentaries by the sound guys were those that I found most interesting, and I was really disappointed not to see them (although it's great that the other ones were there of course). So I thought I'd ask.

Since it probably came up at some point, I'm sure somebody here will be able to answer me?

Thanks :)


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    Bay Area Sound was unfortunately way too busy during that week, and they weren't able to fit it into their schedules. We had the item in the menu and everything, waiting until the last minute just in case, but it wasn't meant to be. Sorry!

    The Season Two DVD does have a million easter eggs, though. Did anyone ever find Nick's secret trailer commentary track?
  • edited December 2009
    I only put it in my DVD player today so I haven't found any Easter Egg yet, but I'll try and find them :)

    Thanks for the explanation, I thought it might be something like that but I wasn't sure so I wanted to give my opinion in case it was cut because people thought it wouldn't be interesting to the viewers or something.

    No need to apologise, it wasn't your fault or anything. And thanks for your quick answer :)
  • edited December 2009
    Hmm, haven't looked for easter eggs on the DVD's. I should give that a try.
  • edited December 2009
    Jake wrote: »
    The Season Two DVD does have a million easter eggs, though. Did anyone ever find Nick's secret trailer commentary track?

    Not me. The only thing I found were the loop at the Zombie Factory which I never get how to get out O.O
  • edited December 2009
    I found the zombie factory, I also saw like 10 different spoiler alerts, alternate endings, video commentaries including the H-Bomb ones (well, there isn't much "video" in these but still... But no trailer commentary sound track.
  • edited December 2009
    Jake wrote: »
    The Season Two DVD does have a million easter eggs, though. Did anyone ever find Nick's secret trailer commentary track?

    Please tell me you're not just messing with us Jake, please!
  • edited January 2010
    I did find the "alternate" way to get to the season trailer, but I found no commentary. :/ Now I have a reason to go back and look at it again. (And I need to purchase the Season 1 DVD... I got the CD plus the bonus CD from the Adventure Company release, but after seeing the extras on Season 2, I need to go back and buy the Season 1 DVD)
  • edited January 2010
    Have you tried just, while the trailer is on, choose with the remote the audio track?

    I can't try that right now, but just an idea.
  • edited January 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Have you tried just, while the trailer is on, choose with the remote the audio track?

    I can't try that right now, but just an idea.

    Tried on my computer, there was no other track available. I'll try on my PS2.
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