Which Was Your Favourite MI Interface?
Five different interfaces. Which one treated you the best?
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On the contrary, I'd say SMI:SE has the worst version. Although it's the same as the original & 2 except the verbs and inventory pop up, the way they pop up is really annoying to me.
TMI might have the most simple interface of all, but it works in the context of the game.
I liked the interface for Tales. The only thing that got to me was, occasionally, the "combine two items" component (I kept accidentally clicking off the screen), but that's a minor gripe.
SE's interface was horrendous. I get that they didn't want to sacrifice their pretty art and put a big box of verbs in the way all the time or whatever, but with so many verbs to choose from it gets way too annoying to have to pop up the box EVERY TIME, especially since my memory's not too great and I can't remember all the specific shortcuts for each verb. It didn't help that it was my first Monkey Island game, so it took me forever to realize that I could pick up stuff from the get-go, because even though they give you some instructions at the beginning, there is no clear indication that you have something other than two default verbs.
However, EMI still has my vote for worst interface.
Wow, I didn't think anyone would choose it as their favourite! It's the one I liked the least.
My fav was Curse, like most people apparently.
The worst was EASILY SOMI:SE. I played it on PC, and having to hit the buttons on the keyboard and then use the mouse was cumbersome and lame. I actually switched to the original because it was so much easier than bringing up the two menus.
I also wish there were more options, like Curse had. Hopefully that will be the case in the second game.
EMI had the worst interface in my view, since it was the same disjointed system as Grim Fandango. Plus, it took me ages to work out not only how to combine items, but that you could combine them at all.
PC with a Sidewinder pad is the way to go. Very awesome, I've never had any problems with EMI or Grim Fandango.
But I think I like Curse's interface better.
As for not knowing how to combine items -that's what manuals are for.
But I like the interface in MI2: LeChuck's Revenge the most. It gives you a lot of options, and a lot more possibilities for the puzzles, which again leads to more challenge. Also, trying to pick everything up is fun. A lot more jokes can be made too, with all the funny combinations. Anyway, MI2 interface offered a lot of options, while at the same time cutting back on unnecessary fat.
Personally, I think context sensitive commands are one of the reasons adventure games have lost a lot of the detail and feels more shallow than they used to be. But then again, I loved the text parser interface that most of the Sierra titles had as well.
BTW, recently finished LCR and SMI:SE, and currently replaying CMI and EMI simultaneously. So I really can compare them.
I'm surprised at all the affection for the 'verb coin'. Aside from the 'pull the cork out by talking to it' type of puzzle - and I don't have much affection for a puzzle where the interface is the puzzling part - the only real difference I can see between it and Tales is that you have to click and drag rather than just click.
Hihi, me neither. One can get used to anything, though, I guess.
Curse was best, I think. Nice, sweet and to the point. The coin was also pleasing to they eye, in a way.
Edit: So maybe they could choose Winslow's smiling face for the next coin-sort-of interface?
I guess this means people want more verb control, then? As for the interface being puzzling, that only applies if you presuppose that the symbols have only one meaning.
I still miss some of the creative things that LeChuck's Revenge and Fate of Atlantis did with Push and Pull, though.