The End of Monkey Island?!?!?
I was chatting with some guys on a forum about the recent MI games and one of them mentioned an interesting tidbit. Supposedly there was another MI game in the works at Lucus Arts (before it gave up on them and became StarWArs Inc) called "The End of Monkey Island" or "Death of Monkey Island" and was a conclusion to the series, where guybrush learns the secret of monkey island and somehow manages to destroy the island, himself, and everyone else...
Does anyone here know anything about this?
Does anyone here know anything about this?
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That's actually a first I've heard of that. Somehow... I find that very hard to believe. So I'll be honest and say that that fun tidbit is probably a joke. But that's just me.
Or am I grossly misinformed?
I am so glad thats false!
So pretty much, you're admitting it's a load of crap.
That's like the worst lie ever. A friends brother was a programmer.... Right...
Thank you, you said everything I wanted to say but mroe concisely and more politely.
It was a rumor somone mentioned. Wheather it's true or not is irrelevant as ToMI has proved that the MI series is alive and well. I was simply curious if anyone else had heard this rumor. I was skeptical myself, but untill a week or two ago I'd never seriously evne looked at MI (only reason I did now was because of the "telltale everything pack" price being sliced to the bone on steam) so due to my "green" MI knoledge, I'm inclined to approach anything related as "this *could* be true, I dont know"
Anyway, I love these kind of threads, for they keep this forum alive a little until the next Monkey Island is on its way.
Well, the truth is, there was a MI game in development after EFMI, and it's very possible it was meant to be the last. After all, the adventure genre was dieing, but alas the market turned sour too quickly.
Whether your friends brother was a programmer or not is a different matter (not entirely relevent). I had a friend who claimed his Dad worked for Rare. Turns out he was a postman...
Personally I think it's a good thing that the genre turned before the last MI game came out, otherwise Tales would never have been made.
a little research and I bet I know who the guy was insinuating... I wont say though because I'm not sure...
QFT! As I said above it may be a good think LA canned the MI series when they did!
I totally like that idea.