Deadeye Dave

When I first played Launch of the Screaming Narwhal I noticed that when you try to enter the Voodoo Lady's hut, you hear a voice that sounds really similar to that of Deadeye Dave. I immediately thought "hmm, that's one character who's definitely going to return at some point in the game. I wonder what he'll look like", and then completely forgot about it until now. Now I realise that Deadeye Dave wasn't in any of the chapters, I was wondering if anybody could shed light on this, or if anyone else noticed it?

I would get a video up but I don't have fraps or anything and I can't be bothered to play through the first 10-20 minutes of the game just for that piece of audio. I'll see if I can find a walkthrough vid on the youtubes.


Edit 2
Looks like Guybrush can say "you sound awfully familiar", which I forgot about. Seems weird that they'd just put him in with one line of dialogue... cameo?


  • edited January 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    When I first played Launch of the Screaming Narwhal I noticed that when you try to enter the Voodoo Lady's hut, you hear a voice that sounds really similar to that of Deadeye Dave. I immediately thought "hmm, that's one character who's definitely going to return at some point in the game. I wonder what he'll look like", and then completely forgot about it until now. Now I realise that Deadeye Dave wasn't in any of the chapters, I was wondering if anybody could shed light on this, or if anyone else noticed it?

    I would get a video up but I don't have fraps or anything and I can't be bothered to play through the first 10-20 minutes of the game just for that piece of audio. I'll see if I can find a walkthrough vid on the youtubes.


    Edit 2
    Looks like Guybrush can say "you sound awfully familiar", which I forgot about. Seems weird that they'd just put him in with one line of dialogue... cameo?

    I think thats supposed to be the voodoo lady saying 'what's the word?', cause that would make a lot more sense to the 'you sound awfully familiar' line.
  • edited January 2010
    He's inside the Voodoo Lady's closet. That's why the Voodoo Lady said that her "unmentionables" were in there - to repel Guybrush and ensure that he wouldn't go snooping around in there and discover Dave.

    Edit: Ha! It turns out that the voice-actor for Deadeye Dave, Tom Kenny, also voices SpongeBob Squarepants. I didn't know that.
  • edited January 2010
    It's just the Voodoo Lady disguising her voice.
  • edited January 2010
    Edit: Ha! It turns out that the voice-actor for Deadeye Dave, Tom Kenny, also voices SpongeBob Squarepants. I didn't know that.
    awesomes lol
  • edited January 2010
    No, in all seriousness, I'm sure that there wasn't actually anybody on the other side of that door; it was just a voice that the Voodoo Lady had conjured up with her voodoo powers.
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