Low lands low = MI?

edited January 2010 in Tales of Monkey Island
Low Lands Low is this old song, and I've had the Cd that it came on since... welll since the CD came out. But when I first heard the song MI came to mine


(bridge/musical at :46 and again at 1:40)

This tune does not appear in any other artist's version.

So what do you think?

I always thought it would have been interesting to make a MI video with this song


  • edited January 2010
    Hey cool! I think that fits the whole theme and atmosphere of Monkey Island really well. Including it in a vid sounds like a good idea, I say "go for it!" :).
  • edited January 2010
    It has a piratey touch for sure, sounds mostly Flately to me though.
    I'd recommend not to let the vid become _too_ long (the low-low-low - part that keeps repeating itself over and over again kinda goes on one's nerves...or at least mine. ;) )
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