Everything was bought. Blouse was bought at a thrift shop, headband was bought at a Claire's in a nearby mall, and skirt was ordered from Bodyline, a store that specializes in Japanese fashion with a cheap price... for better or for worse. I have made a blouse, but I'm trying to fix it at the moment. Someday I'll be good at sewing. Someday.
Oh, wow, I think you just sent me to my doom, those outfits are surprisingly inexpensive. :eek: And I already found 10 on the first page I want.
I used to sew some of my costumes for Halloween and I did a skirt once for myself, but I don't have time anymore. It used to take me hours upon hours to finish the littlest thing.
I love turning pictures sepia. That's about the extent of my ability there.
My friend is a genius at airbrushing though, she can change people's eye color and it looks completely real.
@Friar: You have a Dalek poster! I'm slightly jealous. Of course, I should have expected as much.
I have a cyberman door poster on the other side of my door:p
And yes, the Tardis Colours may have played a significant part in choosing my room colour!
Anyway, i Just had my Prom, so here's a photo.
My tie had daleks on it, and i had a replica of the Doctors fob watch (yay, Toys'r'us!) Am i obsessed? Quite possibly.
I am as obsessed as a Middle Class American can be about doctor who, I've got A Sonic Screwdriver, A bunch of novels (plus one old series novel), and I watch each episode the day after they air(sp?)
I am as obsessed as a Middle Class American can be about doctor who, I've got A Sonic Screwdriver, A bunch of novels (plus one old series novel), and I watch each episode the day after they air(sp?)
Well, if you ever visit the UK, be sure to visit the Doctor Who Exhibition in Cardiff!
Ooooh, it's changed since i was there! The first time i went, they had a reconstruction of the end of series two, and the second time, a scene on the dalek Crucible (you pressed a button, and they shot lasers around). Plus, they had a weeping angel. They were oddly made of really flexible rubbery stuff.
Ooooh, it's changed since i was there! The first time i went, they had a reconstruction of the end of series two, and the second time, a scene on the dalek Crucible (you pressed a button, and they shot lasers around). Plus, they had a weeping angel. They were oddly made of really flexible rubbery stuff.
This was the exhibition in Glasgow. They had a bunch of stuff from throughout the RTD era Who. I also touched DT's coat when the security guard were not looking.
This was the exhibition in Glasgow. They had a bunch of stuff from throughout the RTD era Who. I also touched DT's coat when the security guard were not looking.
Lucky. Also, I am extremely jealous.
It's hard enough just finding Whovians to geek out with over here, let alone museums.
This was the exhibition in Glasgow. They had a bunch of stuff from throughout the RTD era Who. I also touched DT's coat when the security guard were not looking.
Well, i petted K9 =p
I didn't realise they had more than one exhibition.
oh my god, and NOW i find out you also like doctor who. goddamnit! why do you never tell me things straight out!??! if this relationship friendship is going to work, you need to tell me things, k? now we need to start a who wave...
oh my god, and NOW i find out you also like doctor who. goddamnit! why do you never tell me things straight out!??! if this relationship friendship is going to work, you need to tell me things, k? now we need to start a who wave...
I think "like" is a strong word. Maybe its cause I have a mate who is overly obsessed with it. I like it, but just don't watch it on TV cause I've missed too much. I do like the episodes I've seen, though.
OMG I'm wonderful!
Oh, wow, I think you just sent me to my doom, those outfits are surprisingly inexpensive. :eek: And I already found 10 on the first page I want.
I used to sew some of my costumes for Halloween and I did a skirt once for myself, but I don't have time anymore. It used to take me hours upon hours to finish the littlest thing.
I love turning pictures sepia. That's about the extent of my ability there.
My friend is a genius at airbrushing though, she can change people's eye color and it looks completely real.
Oh, and i decided to shave of my beard. Mostly.
Nah, I was saying that Andrew Ryan was trolling when he called us all ugly
*Gasp!* I was so preoccupied with the Dalek, I didn't even notice! Friar's room is....
Dun. Dun. Dun....
....an inside-out TARDIS!
I have a cyberman door poster on the other side of my door:p
And yes, the Tardis Colours may have played a significant part in choosing my room colour!
Anyway, i Just had my Prom, so here's a photo.
My tie had daleks on it, and i had a replica of the Doctors fob watch (yay, Toys'r'us!) Am i obsessed? Quite possibly.
Well, if you ever visit the UK, be sure to visit the Doctor Who Exhibition in Cardiff!
As a rhetorical question: Why on earth did I have to wait until after I went to England for the second time to become a Doctor Who fan? Why? Why?
Ooooh, it's changed since i was there! The first time i went, they had a reconstruction of the end of series two, and the second time, a scene on the dalek Crucible (you pressed a button, and they shot lasers around). Plus, they had a weeping angel. They were oddly made of really flexible rubbery stuff.
This was the exhibition in Glasgow. They had a bunch of stuff from throughout the RTD era Who. I also touched DT's coat when the security guard were not looking.
Lucky. Also, I am extremely jealous.
It's hard enough just finding Whovians to geek out with over here, let alone museums.
I didn't realise they had more than one exhibition.
Man... You must love that pose
This was from my birthday last year. I took the pic with the camera my wife bought me... to bad I broke the damn thing within a week =(
I'll try to find a bigger version... the quality is just terrible here (IE its way too dark.).
I lol'd at this.
Sweet pictures, MysteryBowler.
One last one for you.
Blink is an awesome episode.
oh my god, and NOW i find out you also like doctor who. goddamnit! why do you never tell me things straight out!??! if this relationship friendship is going to work, you need to tell me things, k? now we need to start a who wave...
I think "like" is a strong word. Maybe its cause I have a mate who is overly obsessed with it. I like it, but just don't watch it on TV cause I've missed too much. I do like the episodes I've seen, though.
^The Anne-droid^
^battered K-9^
^Old series TARDIS^