Sorry ShaggE, I couldn't actually see your photo. So we now have three blonds, one of whom has the potential to be governor of California. Isn't there anybody with blue hair? We've gotta have a guy with blue hair.
Well this is how the beard is looking and in a few more weeks it will be done with it's hard core training, and ready to compete.
Darn it. My attempt to grow a beard failed. It ended up three different colours, and all different lengths. Currently, i have a ginger/orange Guybrush Beard, with a white/blonde/black moustache. My GB beard is 4 cm long, whereas my moustache isn't even 4mm long. And they've been growing for the same amount of time (2/3 months maybe?).
Looks like you had a great holiday doodo
Although mines are very scary.. there are loads of old ones round where I live and I'm petrified of falling down one :eek:
Looks like you had a great holiday doodo
Although mines are very scary.. there are loads of old ones round where I live and I'm petrified of falling down one :eek:
LOL, yeah, I've decided after my visit that they aren't a very smart place to be. If they're old and abandoned. They were every where in South Dakota, and due to collapses, lol, the ceilings were often on the floor, and you'd look up there was still something up there but a whole layer was at your feet.
The only mine I've ever been in was the fake one at Knott's Berry Farm. Oh, and if we count roller coasters, then Thunder Mountain, too.
Well it's fun, but incredibly stupid. I ran shit face out of my last one because I heard rock crumbling, and as I ran out of position the ceiling falling behind me, near where I was just standing, I ran out of a puff of dust for my life...:p
You know, it's not unknown round here for people's gardens to collapse into boarded up mine shafts that had been forgotten...
You know, it's not unknown round here for people's gardens to collapse into boarded up mine shafts that had been forgotten...
seriously. it's a major concern.
That's very scary, some shafts go down more than 100 feet. That's really scary.
Aww, Lena, after putting both of us in the same basket in your previous post, you're not giving me a choice. Now I have to prove that my avatar is accurate too.
So behold! Here is a picture of myself staring lovingly at a wooden moose called Prozac.
And since you can't really see my face, here is another one:
Not sure why it's not appearing. The link IS in the post when I edit it to check. I'll post [URL="ttp://"]a direct link[/URL] instead, although it's an old pic.
Not sure why it's not appearing. The link IS in the post when I edit it to check. I'll post [URL="ttp://"]a direct link[/URL] instead, although it's an old pic.
the link doesn't seem to direct me to a proper web page, it just keeps coming up with an error
Not sure why it's not appearing. The link IS in the post when I edit it to check. I'll post [URL="ttp://"]a direct link[/URL] instead, although it's an old pic.
Oh, yeah, that's me with Danielle. I'm on the left.
Wow, you were determined to find a picture of me, weren't you? That's not even the same one The one I linked to was of me in front of the Goblins poster.
Oh, yeah, that's me with Danielle. I'm on the left.
Wow, you were determined to find a picture of me, weren't you? That's not even the same one The one I linked to was of me in front of the Goblins poster.
I couldn't get that link to work even after i added the h at the beginning, i actually found an album and just chose a picture. All i did was search for your name on google, i never really expected to find anything.
I couldn't get that link to work even after i added the h at the beginning, i actually found an album and just chose a picture. All i did was search for your name on google, i never really expected to find anything.
I'm very easy to find so it's not a surprise. I guess I just wasn't expecting you to care enough to bother googling my name.
At last though, all is saved, my pic from a year ago has been linked to
Speaking of which, this was at Vcon 2009. I'm attending again this year, so expect more pictures!
It's Vancouver's Convention of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Takes place in Vancouver, obviously. Here, you can find more info on this site if you want.
"Tranquility: the state of mind five seconds before you realized you dropped your car keys."
True Fact: Water did not carve the grand canyon over a period of time, it was actually caused by the almighty presence of Suro.
You got something wrong. I _do_ sparkle, it's my new extra shine shampoo for blondes.
Well this is how the beard is looking and in a few more weeks it will be done with it's hard core training, and ready to compete.
Thats okay, at least some people will be rooting for me...I think of course they will I'm awesome!
Here I am, these are from vacation
Here I show that I can't shoot a gun properly
Flash in a cave!
You can't tell but this was on top of a mine and I'm in front of a hole that goes deep into the Earth...
Speaking of mines, this one almost came down on my head
Don't be deceived, this old mine was very dark, this looks so bright from a flash. I was enclosed in a old mine all around in this shot.
This mine vent goes deeper than it appears in photo.
Up a short mountain
Flintstones theme park
Top of climb with back of brother
next to some guy on a train...
Here I am in car at Flintstone park, lol I was there with family. I'm not comfortable posting pics of family on line.
Wild life...
That's way more than enough for now...
Who's the dude on the left? HIYO!!
Although mines are very scary.. there are loads of old ones round where I live and I'm petrified of falling down one :eek:
LOL, yeah, I've decided after my visit that they aren't a very smart place to be. If they're old and abandoned. They were every where in South Dakota, and due to collapses, lol, the ceilings were often on the floor, and you'd look up there was still something up there but a whole layer was at your feet.
Well it's fun, but incredibly stupid. I ran shit face out of my last one because I heard rock crumbling, and as I ran out of position the ceiling falling behind me, near where I was just standing, I ran out of a puff of dust for my life...:p
Not a smart idea, I prefer roller coasters.
seriously. it's a major concern.
That's very scary, some shafts go down more than 100 feet. That's really scary.
Not sure why it's not appearing. The link IS in the post when I edit it to check. I'll post [URL="ttp://"]a direct link[/URL] instead, although it's an old pic.
Try again later, it should re-appear later.
Imgur is superior.
That's because she's missing an H in front of it, so it's just ttp:// instead of [url]http://.[/url] Also, it just loads blank if you try to go to it.
I finally found you, heres the link i found¤t=AvistewDanielle.jpg so ha!
Oh, yeah, that's me with Danielle. I'm on the left.
Wow, you were determined to find a picture of me, weren't you? That's not even the same one
I couldn't get that link to work even after i added the h at the beginning, i actually found an album and just chose a picture. All i did was search for your name on google, i never really expected to find anything.
I'm very easy to find so it's not a surprise. I guess I just wasn't expecting you to care enough to bother googling my name.
At last though, all is saved, my pic from a year ago has been linked to
Speaking of which, this was at Vcon 2009. I'm attending again this year, so expect more pictures!
what is vcon? and where is it?
It's Vancouver's Convention of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Takes place in Vancouver, obviously. Here, you can find more info on this site if you want.
It's a convention, leave me alone!
Damn, I was gonna go for that joke.
Anyway, rad beard dude.