Wally and Winslow...

Both love maps! A lot! And they both have names that start with W! My theory. They are the same person! Gasp! Thoughts? Other similarities? Other characters who might be the same?


  • edited January 2010
    Wally and Winslow do have some similarities, but I doubt that they are the same person for the following reasons.

    - Guybrush has gotten maybe about 10 years older in ToMI than he was in MI 2. And to me Winslow looks around 30 years older than Wally in MI 2 or 3.

    - Wally is skinny, has red hair and whiteish skin, whereas Winslow`s skin colour is dark brown, hes fat and he has dark hair.

    - Wally uses a monocle and cant see without it, Winslow doesnt seem to be visually challenged.

    ( But what if Wally has been sunbathing like crazy, eating like everyday was his last, dyed his hair and has a surgeon who cured his sight, (DeSinge!!))
  • edited January 2010
    Point #1. The younger you are, the faster you age.
    Point #2. Wally has obviously eaten a lot more, and spent his fair share in the sun.
    Point #3. Laser eye surgery.

  • edited January 2010
    Winslow ate Wally's brains.
  • edited January 2010
    So Winslow is... A zombie? TWIST!
  • edited January 2010
    Naw, he's secretly a necromancer, sailing the eight seas trying to find the world's greatest brains, or becoming one, either of the two actually.
  • edited January 2010
    Interesting theory... Hmm... I hadbn't thought of that...
  • edited January 2010
    Think about it. The only reason he hangs out with Anemone is not because he's attracted to Anemone, but because he wants to eat the brains of a merperson, basically giving himself the knowledge on how to reattach limbs, making himself the ultimate being on the planet.
  • edited January 2010
    Egad! A super Winslow! We must do something to stop it!
  • edited January 2010
    Took me a while to figure out you weren't on about this dude.

  • edited January 2010
    As stated earlier, both have names that start with "W", and upside down that is an "M", the first letter in the word Maps, which they both love. Also: Santa = Satan.
  • edited January 2010
    You are on to something! His love of the map was totally hilarious btw
  • edited January 2010
    Hey, good find there! I never drew that connection. I suppose this only goes to show how long we haven't seen Wally...I totally forgot about that cute little guy..
  • edited January 2010
    Maybe Wally fell in a toxic vat and morphed into a fat map loving/fish loving First Mate!
  • jmmjmm
    edited January 2010
    or maybe the Voodoo Lady placed a curse on Wally, oh darn:I exposed the plot for season 2: Saving private Wally... :D
  • edited January 2010
    If wally realy is winslow, he would have covered his tracks better. Or maybe he wanted us to think that, so he could exact his revenge!
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