Please give us Monkey Island apparel!
To any and all Telltale people in charge around here...
When will you be making any Monkey Island apparel aside from buttons? I would really enjoy having a ballcap with Murray on it or something.
When will you be making any Monkey Island apparel aside from buttons? I would really enjoy having a ballcap with Murray on it or something.
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I'd really enjoy having Murray with a ballcap on him. And that's it! (Ohh... So sleazy.:p)
Me: sure, I'd like one! I like that leather jacket. I do not mind the smell of... rotting carcass... or it is booze?
Guybrush: I'd sell you a new one.
Me: oh, even better!
Guybrush: I am going to take one! Wait here.
Me: sure thing!
... later
Me: ehi? Where is my precious...