"fill out our online questionnaire"....
RE the new email, with its bizarrely conventional invitational to give our "views"...
Particularly our "views" on what exact phrases should best sum up the forthcoming S+M season...
Does anyone else find this as profoundly disturbing as I do? I'm a little drunk, admittedly*, but why the arse are we being asked our opinion of what exact phrases would be most compelling to part with our pennies? I mean...
Well, I'm quite lost for words here. Am I overreacting? To the temeritous point, is it tolerable for Telltale to be trebucheting trite telemarketing towards our teased and taunted tremultuations?
I say no. Twice and thrice no! Not right at all. Fire the consultants. With fire. Max would and should be dismayed, and (at last, appropriately) violently vengeful.
Or possibly that was a glorious parody designed specifically for arses like me to get all riled up. Please let that be so... Pleasey please....
*Actually, I'm an absurdly tall drunk, but still, I think my point stands, like me - precariously yet peculiarly proudly...
Particularly our "views" on what exact phrases should best sum up the forthcoming S+M season...
Does anyone else find this as profoundly disturbing as I do? I'm a little drunk, admittedly*, but why the arse are we being asked our opinion of what exact phrases would be most compelling to part with our pennies? I mean...
Well, I'm quite lost for words here. Am I overreacting? To the temeritous point, is it tolerable for Telltale to be trebucheting trite telemarketing towards our teased and taunted tremultuations?
I say no. Twice and thrice no! Not right at all. Fire the consultants. With fire. Max would and should be dismayed, and (at last, appropriately) violently vengeful.
Or possibly that was a glorious parody designed specifically for arses like me to get all riled up. Please let that be so... Pleasey please....
*Actually, I'm an absurdly tall drunk, but still, I think my point stands, like me - precariously yet peculiarly proudly...
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Also, I don't think Max is the best character on which to base your opinion on what should and shouldn't be flamethrowered.
It's like reading the movie descriptions on Comcast movies; if they don;t sound energetic & interestig, you're not motivated to watch the movie you just read about.
I can't help but being nosily interested in what others put on their servays when answering about favorite books, movies, TV series, & bands, be it looking for commen interests to become interested in myself, or an excuse to play "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon."
Seriously, this was a confusing, horribly phrased, and badly thought through survey. Not even 15% discount coupon is worth that. They're supposed to be relatively short, at least seem slightly relevant, stick to the point, and be able to hold the focus and interest of the survey taker throughout. 21 questions before I quit, and I found maybe one or two reasonable questions. Sorry, I'm not taking that survey. It annoyed me to no end and really tested my patience.
That said, I did take advantage of your S&M Season 1 offer though - can't get much cheaper than that. I already had the game on disc, and I already completed it once. But it looks nicer on My Games list, here on Telltale.
And Max already had psychic powers in Bright Side of the Moon!
It was kinda silly, but I suppose they want to make their descriptions sound better on steam and stuff. Personally I thought the shortest one was the best, none of them seemed to be preaching at the adventure game audience. If I knew nothing of Sam and Max, I would think it was just another mario clone.
And StarEye, I know where you're coming from. I made a bunch of accounts so I could use multiple 50% off coupons (so I could Sam and Max plus Strongbad) (Should have just got sam and max) and now my *lists* are a jumbled mess.
Or did he use those powers? I don't remember anymore, but I don't think he did.
This is a weird conversation.
I don't object at all to TellTale asking about me. They can have a good rummage around in my very soul if they like, if it'll help them keep being wonderful. And yes it is reasonable, I suppose, that the survey asks people what would grab them, if they weren't already grabbed, though that would be much better targeted to new users rather than, um, me. As long as its just about marketing, then it's all fine. Badly worded, but fine.
What alarmed me was the thought of Telltale asking me what I want. I want Telltale to give me what I didn't know I wanted; to tell me tales, rather than ask me how I want a tale to end. It's one of its strengths I think. (I didn't really like Strong Bad, but I love that it exists.) As Telltale grows it could easily become a place that churns out endless substandard games based on popular franchises, like so many others. That may well be the most profitable option. And it would be awful.
I'm overreacting, I know. There's no indication that that's going to happen. But the most important bit of feedback I wanted to give in the questionnaire was "keep the consultants away from the games, at all costs". But there wasn't a question for that.
UK, Germany, France, Italy and Scandanavia are all okay, but what if you live in an other Western Europe nation (Holland, Belgium, Swiss, Austria, etc.?)
EDIT: To above post... there was an "anything else you wanted to add" box you could have typed it in
He can make people vomit with anything except his mind.
The same could be said about other countries in Eastern Europe, or other countries on other continents. I assume they just went with the countries where they have the most costumers. I've seen a few fellow Dutchies around here, but I can't imagine we make up a large part of Telltale's consumer base.
I don't agree with the OP. I think it's great that Telltale keeps putting effort in finding out who plays their games, and what they expect from the games. No one is forcing you to answer to their questions. I got a lot of Sam & Max-hints out of them, and that's more than enough for me.
But just an "other west european countries" option would have been nice.
I don' t care about the story, as long as Sam & Max are involved and it is made by Telltale.
Well, there are good surveys and there are bad surveys. Good surveys will not be a chore to take. Bad surveys do. I guess you don't know much about marketing.
Sam now sports a flock of seagulls haircut.
oh please god someone photoshop this
Attachment not found.
I thought Max would rock the look more.
Either take or I never met a "good" survey.
It was kinda hard thinking of my favourite games, singers and movies and trying to make them English-language ones, so I kinda gave up halfway and wrote down some that are not, bu are famous enough they should have translations for the most part.
I also tried to make it variated. As in, since I like comedy and mystery, write down a movie that's funny and one that's a thriller... Or stuff like that.
I can't swear that what I wrote down would be the same if I took the survey right now, since I rarely have "all time favourites", but I certainly didn't lie, and wrote down stuff I do really love.
As far as I understood, the point was to know if people preferred more mystery, or more comedy, or more fantasy and stuff like that. I'm afraid I wasn't very useful in the music department as I listen to music for the lyrics mostly, and I'm not sure that will help them. But as long as you keep Jared the music will be perfect.
I didn't really care about the 15% off (I don't want to buy anything right now), but I was glad I could give my opinion. Plus who knows, I might find some use for it anyways.
The part about choosing our favourite phrasing made sense, I've answered lots of surveys, they always ask things like that. It's normal, they do want to sell the game. Knowing how to present it to make it appealing would definitely be useful.
And don't be afraid that they're going to do things to please the masses or whatever. I mean, they're obviously already working on it. They probably just want to know which direction the fans would prefer or something, but they'll do something they like and can be proud of, they won't sell out, I'm sure of that.
That was random, I know
I know, I haven't had TV in years... So I answered with shows I liked but they're not necessarily the newest shows ever made. I'm sure that still works.
I always have great difficulty answering "favourite X" questions too... there are so many awesome things out there, and you want me to pick just 3?!
Yours is a good strategy. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who probably takes these things too seriously.
I know! The worst is when you have to make a whole list of your ONE favourite somethings. Like, favourite movie, favourite book, favourite song, favourite dish...
I always wonder if some people DO have a favourite one. Because I don't. The only I have is "favourite colour" (red) and that's due to the fact that we were 4 kids and our parents, to make sure they didn't mix our things, asked all of us to chose a colour which became "our" colour, and I chose red. (So my mother would sew a red dot on the inside of my clothes for instance, and she knew they were mine).
As a result with console games, I'd have the red save game, the red controller if there were several colours (N64) and so on.
So red isn't as much the most pleasing colour ever as it is part of my identity as much as my first name, if I'm making sense.
I still buy stuff in red when I can, although I've been drifting more and more away from it.
By the way, my brothers chose blue, green and yellow/orange (it's kind of "cheating" that he got two, but lots of things only offer one or the other so it was simpler that way.)
You have discovered my secret shame. I know next to nothing about marketing, but you have shown me the error of my ways! I will go right out and make a study of surveys so that their subtle ways shall be mysteries to me no more!
And I'm purple, and my brother is green. Those are our favorite colors, not that we had to "choose" any one color or anything. Those are just "our" colors.
"Epic comedy saga" made me think of the Serious Sam series, so I chose "gamings greatest sitcom" since it's like an interactive cartoon.
Nice to see other people have "their" colours. I've always felt a bit... different because of that.
Not that being different is a bad thing of course.
Your colour story was really sweet! I love different.
I'm also one of 4 kids, and we did have our "own" colours specifically for board games. I was white (sometimes yellow if there was no white marker), my brothers were red, blue and green.
Also, Mum always dressed my littlest brother in red when he was very young. We lived on a farm and he had a tendency to go wandering off, so bright red clothes made him easier to find again.
Trust me, if having "my own" color was the weirdest thing about me, I'd feel disturbingly normal. Not that I go out of my way to be different or anything, but let's just say that my friends and family tend to say, "but that's why we like you!" to me. And laugh at things I say for no apparent reason and tell me I'm "cute". (Although other people must stamp their foot when they're angry or why else did that become a cliche in the first place?)
We would just use a baby-leash on my brother, but that was mostly when we'd go out shopping or traveling or something.
And incidentally, I am utterly jealous of both of you. I wish I could have had three little brothers ... or ten.
I just wanted to share it guys
I just hate big words without any meaning what-so-ever. Stick to the point, please...
Oh, many major things about me are different, but I've always felt fine with them. Weirdly, it's the small details that make you do a double-take because you had never realised it wasn't the same for everyone, you know what I mean?
I only had one little brother... and I wish I could have given you all of my brothers :P
I think I get ya. But I always loved being around people who were "different" from me as a kid. Right off the bat my brother and I are are very, very different from one another (which made sharing things waay easier since we didn't like the same stuff anyhoo), and I liked having friends who were different from me. You learn about more cool stuff that way. Then again my friends were so different from each other they couldn't stand each other, so I guess you can be too different ...
Oh. Forget that then. I only wanted younger siblings, not older. I've gotta be the eldest or forget it.
So can I just clarify that this is the questionnaire that we're all talking about?