Marking subjects read

edited February 2010 in Site Support
So, since the forums keep track of all posts that haven't been read, I often click on "mark posts as read" for threads I'm not following.

My question is about the sub-forums. In the General chat, if I mark all threads as read, the subforum ones are still marked unread, and from that page there doesn't seem to be a way to change that. I need to go in each subforum and do it. Which is fine but slightly less practical, so I was wondering if there was another way.

I know I can also mark everything as read from the main page, which I do sometimes as well, but when I haven't visited some of the forums of course I don't.

Anyway, I'm not asking for anything to be changed, I was just wondering if there was something I might have missed to mark a subforum as read without needing to go inside of it first. The games one can be very lively and since I don't take part in any of the games, I wouldn't even mind if I could set it so new posts aren't marked inside that subforum.
So if there is a way to do that, that would be great too.

Thanks :)


  • edited February 2010
    Yes there is. To the left of each subforum is an icon showing a notice board with (if there are unread posts) two pieces of paper on an orange background. Double-click it to mark everything in that subforum read.
  • edited February 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    Yes there is. To the left of each subforum is an icon showing a notice board with (if there are unread posts) two pieces of paper on an orange background. Double-click it to mark everything in that subforum read.

    Thanks! I wasn't aware of that at all, that sounds much faster than what I've been doing.

    Yay laziness!
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