Cheated out of $1.05

edited February 2010 in Site Support
Hey, I just decided to buy the season upgrade to Monkey Island. The price on the store page is $26.00, but if you click on it to buy it, you get a big graphic that says you qualify for a price of $24.95. Once you click that, though, the cart shows $26.00.

I didn't feel too bad for losing out on the $1.05, though, because I was redeeming my survey 15% off code, thus saving $3.90 anyway. I just wanted to let you know that graphic needs to be updated!

Hope the Telltale team gets to throw a party with the, ummm, candy bar I just bought you!


  • edited February 2010
    Yeah, and the Wallace update is the same price as a full season. Oh well, I also had the 15% code to use up anyway...
  • David EDavid E Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2010
    Hmm. You could have a very old cached version of that image. There was a limited-time offer for a cheaper upgrade a few months back for people who had gotten a free episode (this was before we were selling MI episodes individually), but $26 our typical upgrade price for new seasons.

    Sorry for the confusion!
  • edited February 2010
    Nope, I deleted my cache, hit reload, and it still says $24.95 (despite me having the whole season now).
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