Semi Updates
The Brother Chaps haven't completley given up on Homestar! Occationally you see this mini updates, the date doesn't change and theres no toons, though we know there still around! An Example of a Semi Update is The Strong Bad on Mac Promo sign on almost if not every homepage on the website! So there still around, and making random guest apperances here and there, but only time will tell when we see another full toon soon...
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But, hopefully the baby break will soon be over, and im confident Homestar Runner will stay strong for the future. they wont quit until at least their 15th birthday, milestone or nothing, im sure of it.
Hey, "There were no Decemberween cartoons in 2003, 2005 or 2009", so it wasnt the first time.
And what about Macabre? What'd you two do to the Macabre?!?
Yeah, I'm a wiki nerd.