Walkthrough Error (may contain spoilers)

edited February 2010 in Site Support
Sure it's just a typo or something, but FYI...

In the walkthrough for Tales of Monkey Island Episode 4: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood, when describing how to get to the question mark on the voodoo map (to feed La Esponja Grande), the walkthrough says to open the bottom-right fold of the map. It's the bottom-left that needs to be opened.


  • nikasaurnikasaur Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2010
    akjdlkajldk I can't tell left from right. I'll fix it... well I'd rather test it first to make sure I'm wrong but I may just have to trust you.
  • edited February 2010
    nikasaur wrote: »
    akjdlkajldk I can't tell left from right. I'll fix it... well I'd rather test it first to make sure I'm wrong but I may just have to trust you.

    Im sure he/she is wrong because I used that exact part of the walkthrough when episode 4 first came out for wiiware(in the usa) and after using the walkthrough i got to what i needed fine. Of course I reccomend NEVER doing a puzzle like that again(i liked the animal one better people never realized THEY CAN LOOK AT THE MAP MULTIPLE TIMES) i would be :mad:mad:mad: if you guys screwed that up when i checked off you guys, so in conclusion it was right before.
  • edited February 2010
    I found it rather well-found, one of the best puzzles of episode 4.
    Guess it's just a matter of taste.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited February 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Im sure he/she is wrong because I used that exact part of the walkthrough when episode 4 first came out for wiiware(in the usa) and after using the walkthrough i got to what i needed fine.

    Maybe you subconsciously ignored the word "right" and just oriented by "red idol" and "question mark".
    They are both on the left side of the map.
  • edited February 2010
    I found it rather well-found, one of the best puzzles of episode 4.
    Guess it's just a matter of taste.

    I didn't find it especially well-found, but I enjoyed it. And I had the idea pretty soon, I think when I saw the folds I tried folding it differently pretty much right away.
    I thought it was neat but I guess it's one of these things that I didn't even realise was a puzzle since I just did it >.>

    But I do like "outside the box" solutions so I would support more puzzles like that. It reminds me of stuff like drawing a circle with a dot in the middle on a sheet of paper without lifting your pen or making 4 equilateral triangles with 6 matches. It's neat.
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