Devil's playhouse Xbox 360?

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
Greetings from Ireland,

I can't see anywhere that says the new Sam & Max is coming out for 360, my computer won't run it and I don"t have a PS3, so it is the only way I will be able to play it.



  • edited March 2010
    It's only for PC, Mac, and PS3 during the initial run. Xbox 360 and Wii versions may come out later, but probably not until after the entire season is complete.
  • edited March 2010
    Yay! Eventually, on the 360 maybe.
  • edited March 2010
    I reckon the 360 version shouldn't be too long, so chin up! I'm probably gonna get all 3 seasons at once when it's out on the 360 :D

    I'm an achievement whore with a low gamerscore :P
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