tales of monkey island FOR the IPOD or IPAD?
does any one know? can some one in development HINT, if any thing?
only asking iam thinking of buying the ipad. i already have the monkey island special edition for iphone.
and one last thing THANKYOU VERY MUCH FOR MAKING MONKEY ISLAND AGAIN. just need my brother to help to finish it, like old times!
only asking iam thinking of buying the ipad. i already have the monkey island special edition for iphone.
and one last thing THANKYOU VERY MUCH FOR MAKING MONKEY ISLAND AGAIN. just need my brother to help to finish it, like old times!
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the voodoo lady and the coustmers who got voodoo cards
the voodoo lady and the coustmers who got voodoo cards
its ironic I didnt see that coming
It's not ironic, it's just surprising. (I feel like Bender!)
i·ro·ny (noun): The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.
So Junaid wasn't even original? Tss...
(Just teasing you, Junaid).
Nope, sailorcuteness got it right.
Main Entry: iro·ny
Pronunciation: \ˈī-rə-nē also ˈī(-ə)r-nē\
Function: noun
3 a (1) : incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result.
action: double post
result: http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p309/Megad8472/WagOfTheFinger.jpg;
expectation: getting away with it without being noticed.
still, it would be a waste to port it to such a device...
and DON'T DOUBLE POST. Edit and add to your first one.
By the way, In French these animals:
and these animals:
have two different names (hibou for the first ones, chouette for the second ones). In English, I've heard both referred to as "owl". Is there also a specific word for each?
(In case you're not sure what the difference is, hiboux have ear-like or horn-like feathers on the top of their heads. Chouettes don't.)
And I think chouettes are called "barn owls"
What's wrong with double posting? I've never understood why some people hate double posting so much. It's not like it has any negative effects. In fact, sometimes it can be used for humour.
Also, I've always thought of irony as something where the outcome is opposite to the intended outcome, but there's so many conflicting definitions that I cry sometimes out of confusion.
[obvious joke of self-reference or concurrence]
There's only one real definition for irony, and then there's incorrect Alanis Morrisette irony..
I explained it like this to a friend of mine - he asked if irony is, for example, running away from a bear, climbing a tree, and the tree gets struck by lightning.
I explained that, no, irony would be more like if he ran from a bear, climbed a tree to get away from it, and then discovered the tree was MADE OUT OF BEARS..
And I always thought irony meant "made out of iron".
But surely the first example would be ironic because the person running away from the bear would expect to be saved by climbing a tree but would, in fact, die. As I understand it, irony is a situation where the outcome that actually happens is opposite to the outcome which is intended. Having said that, though, I've come across loads of different definitions. For example, I just looked in an oxford dictionary and it says "expression of meaning by use of words normally conveying the opposite meaning; apparent perversity of fate or circumstances"
God damn you, irony.
And it takes exactly as long, if not less long, to edit your post instead.
I think double posting is okay if some time has passed or the two posts are about different enough things. But when each post is like half of a sentence, well it's annoying. Imagine a guy in real life who would say something, walk away, walk back and finish his sentence. That's double-posting.
Tho there's the incongruity part - it's unexpected, but it has to sort of tie together sort of like a calback to the original thing in an incongruous way. It's an opposite outcome, but a special sort of opposite I guess.. It's a difficult yet specific concept to explain, which is why a lot of people have an almost-but-not-quite definition of it. Or it's almost a strict opposite, where lightning isn't the opposite of bears.. plus there's a sort of twist to it. And chocolate topping.
It's not just about the bears. Expectation of continued life is also the opposite of the result of immediate death in that circumstance, so it would still be ironic. It doesn't have to be about the bears, it can be about the life-threatening.
For another example, it would be ironic if someone who was deathly allergic to bees, was running away from killer bees that were chasing them, and they ran into a body of water only to be eaten by a crocodile.
A true ironic story: an adventurer had spent his whole life facing dangers all around the world against wild animals and anything that can possibly happen to a sole adventurer. A very short time after he retired, he was killed by a random mugger in a park one night.
I mean, when someone says "Oh. Great." or "Yeah, right" we know they mean the opposite.
But in the scenarios you mentioned, the irony is completely unexpected and unintended. Both are possible.
Oh, and then there is dramatic irony, when the audience/reader is aware of some facts but the characters aren't.
Try this one:
np: Autechre - Second Bad Vilbel (Anvil Vapre)
Of course, it would work even better if a DS version of the game was made, but I'll take any method to have a portable Monkey Island
Telltale, LucasArts, get on this!
Well, the only thing is the DS version would have to be in 320x 240 at 256 colours like the first 2 games for it to run at all. Otherwise, it would have more complaints than the Wii version.