'Bout time they updated it. I hope they get back on a regular schedule, because we missed Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines, and the Chinese New Year.
Eh, maybe not, seeing as it's an empty Monday. But who knows. Maybe they were counting this as their update of the week, and next week we'll see a Monday update. Hopefully.
Eh, maybe not, seeing as it's an empty Monday. But who knows. Maybe they were counting this as their update of the week, and next week we'll see a Monday update. Hopefully.
This was great. I actually do hope to see more from these designs. They already have the 80s pretty well covered by the Cheat Commandos line of toons, and 90s cartoons are so ripe with content for HSR: Xeriouxly Forxe to parody.
They need to do something with this. They should make it a game on the website and either the next SBBCG4AP series, 1 episode or at least a fun machine game.
wait PomPom is not an alien?
or maybe they're updating on thursdays now?
Was there an easter egg?
There could be a download of that song...