I think TTG will be pretty surprised at the level and intensity of community backlash on this, even though it's most likely coming from a very vocal minority. I'm certainly surprised.
I just hope it has no effect on their future decision-making. Ordinarily I'd advise any company to listen to its customers, but not in this case.
Ya hear that, Telltalers? Just stick your fingers in your ears and go "lalalalalala" while reading this thread.
I realize we have neglected to consult the only one whose opinion truly matters in all of this.
Hey! Buddy!
Telltale's releasing the new Sam & Max season on the iPad -- and the first episode a whole twelve days before the rest of us can get our grubby hands on it! What do you think of that?
However, anyone who preordered on PSN or Steam, but would prefer to play the game on iPad (in spite of it being the worst deal), would probably have a valid concern (unless they could get a refund for the preorder). That's the only scenario I can think of where there is some kind of material impact, and I haven't seen anyone raise it.
Good point. Steam does allow you to cancel a preorder if you cancel before the release date:
I couldn't find any policy about PSN other than the standard "no refunds" but they've never offered a preorder before. I would hope they would offer refunds in this case.
I can see why TT did it (sweet apple money) but I can also see why people who paid for a pre order are mad that they don't get to play it first.
A friend gifted me a pre order of PZ so I don't really have any right to complain but I feel this situation could be resolved with either a release date cut, an early demo or some other neat bonus (even if it's something ridiculous like a character skin that gives Max a funny hat, bonus pc content is always good)
The only thing I don't get is the "I preordered to have the game early". You don't get the game earlier when you preorder. It comes up on the 15th. Someone buying it the day it comes up isn't pre-ordering anymore and gets it at the same time you do.
I think that people are upset because with the iPad's version, Telltale's store will run out of digital copies on the 15th, rendering their preorders worthless. Now all the copies will be picked-over and pushed to the back of the virtual shelves, instead of giving you the freshest bits possible.
I think that people are upset because with the iPad's version, Telltale's store will run out of digital copies on the 15th, rendering their preorders worthless. Now all the copies will be picked-over and pushed to the back of the virtual shelves, instead of giving you the freshest bits possible.
They just won't have that new data smell that new online releases have.
I posted in the other thread, but it looks like there is some more constructive discussion going on here. Disclaimer up top - I have an iPad coming on Saturday. I was planning on purchasing Sam and Max for my PS3, but the idea of playing it on the iPad is very tempting (not so much getting it early, as being able to use the touch interface). I hope Telltale continues to release games for the iPad. However, it is too bad that it will cost an extra $15-$20 to purchase the season. It is definitely causing me to hesitate before I just click "Buy App" in iTunes. I hope in the future (assuming Telltale continues to develop for the iPad) that there is a way to bring the pricing more in line with the other platforms.
Honestly, my entire issue with all this isn't Sam & Max related. I find this trend with big games (big for their companies, at least) releasing stuff exclusively early for a system, while doing that "hand over the mouth" thing to another market going "The contract will run out, and then you guys can have it."
Video game systems are too expensive for folks on budgets, like me, to own every single one. So I do feel a teensy bit put out when some game I'm super crazy about, like Fallout 3, is all "Whelp, we made this contract, so you can hear about this cool expansion, but by the time it comes out on your system, you'll be so wrapped up in new stuff, you won't even care." And then you realize how jaded you've become, so you open a window, light a cigarette, and look out on a black lake illuminated by the moon and reflect on existence and humanities place in the fabric of time.
Maybe that last part is just me.
Granted, the PC date (My system of choice) hasn't been pushed back, so I'm more jealous than anything else.
I'm not upset, and I commend TTG for moving into new markets. That's just sound business sense.
I suppose my true feeling here is just that, the Camelot Mystique of Telltale has broken for me. I suppose in my mind I always held Telltale to a different standard. I childishly thought of Telltale as a group of people making games, not as a business entity that provides paychecks to working people. It was more my fault than anyone else's.
God Speed Telltale. Of all the companies I have known, you were the most... human.
There is no exclusive deal. The iPad's just coming out right now, and we have the game ready for it. If we hadn't hit the deadline Apple set for the iPad's release (tomorrow, Saturday), it would have come out on the 15th, but we managed to make it, so we're putting it out.
I will put it this way: You guys are attributing a lot of grandiose plans and back-room sellout deals to what is actually one of the most seat-of-the-pants operations we've pulled.
The iPad port turned out well, and we got it done super fast, surprising even ourselves. We're proud as hell of that, and our only motive was to get a cool product out in front of people as quickly as we could. We didn't see it as a sleight against our PC customer base, and I don't think anyone expected you guys to take it so personally (or personally at all!). Hopefully the enjoyment you get from playing the sleek and polished PC version will drown out your sadness that we busted our butt for a wacky port you wouldn't care about otherwise anyway!
Yeah, there was no "deal" in the crazy, Illuminati-Area51-Freemasons-Castro-Mafia-Pope sense. I didn't mean to say that I thought you guys were sitting around smoking Cigars, drawing pentagrams or something.
But it seriously never occurred to anyone there that at least some of the people who pre-ordered the game on a different system and can't afford to just go buy an iPad wouldn't be a bit miffed about the game coming out early on that system? You guys really were working hard if that slipped by.
I mean, I think canceling a pre-order over this is incredibly dumb. But then again, that's how Capitalism works. People don't give money to people that anger them, no matter how dumb the reason is that they're angry. In the big picture, the company here isn't losing jack, and we all know these folks will be back (unless they just start pirating, I suppose), but I don't think the emotional response is truly shocking.
A bit more vocal than one might expect, with much more anger and contempt, but fans being angry that the thing they want is available legally, but in a way that they can't get, and them being upset would only shock the truly dim-witted.
Yeah, there was no "deal" in the crazy, Illuminati-Area51-Freemasons-Castro-Mafia-Pope sense. I didn't mean to say that I thought you guys were sitting around smoking Cigars, drawing pentagrams or something.
But it seriously never occurred to anyone there that at least some of the people who pre-ordered the game on a different system and can't afford to just go buy an iPad wouldn't be a bit miffed about the game coming out early on that system? You guys really were working hard if that slipped by. QUOTE]
It does feel like a kick in the face. It does make sense from a business position, but I also thought Telltale cared more about it's fanbase.
Still, nothing we can do about it now eh. Lets just wait until the 15th for Season 3 I suppose. And disconnect our internet connection to avoid the inevitable spoilers due to this "leak".
Hey, you all, IT'S A GAME!!!!!
I think we've lost the sense of reality around us - it's not like a glass of water in the desert!!!
After all it's only to wait about 10 days more.
What's the matter to have it first? Would it be a better game if so? It's a "mine is longer" matter?
Come on, let's be adult.
I'm happy they converted it for Ipad! And if they managed to do it early, well it's great! If you care to have the game now, go buy an Ipad. I know it's a business thing but, hey, every copy sold help us to have better games, you know.
So, long life to Telltale!!!! You took a great opportunity!!! Good luck to Sam&Max!!! And bring Season 3 to XBOX too!
I think it's fantastic news. It could do really well on the iPad and if it does it means Telltale get to keep making more great games for us. Well done to all involved!
I'm more shocked than anything at this surprise, but at the same time, I'm happy for Telltale. I don't really see what the big deal is. It isn't much difference from the time when Season 1 was released on Gametap about a week (correct me if I'm wrong) earlier than the actual release on here. As people have said, this is also a great opportunity for Telltale to reach out to a wider audience, therefore making more moneys, therefore more products. More seasons. Maybe finally plushies *cough cough*
Still, I'll admit I'm a bit bummed I have to wait longer, as I'm too poor for an iPad. And anything with "i" at the beginning of its name it for that matter. Oh well ^_^
If it's a once off staggered release for the iPad's launch it's no big deal(A bit shitty considering if it's a port of the PC version then the PC version is ready to go but whatever). If it's the start of things to come my loyalty will go with it.
Where do I send the bill for the laptop screen my fist slipped through?
Nah, just kidding. I can't say I'm angry - I love Telltale, and do everything I can to support them as one of the only studios still brave enough to publish games in the current 'climate'. And gosh, I even understand Apples notorious reputation for confidentiality.
But if Telltale are going to support such niche platforms, I better see a Linux and Symbian port of Sam and Max 4 or I'm boycotting Jakes hairdresser!
[Edit: I don't really think a S60 port would work of course ]
Whatever deal Apple and TTG have got together - it's worked.
I am officially buying a iPad. When it comes out. When I can afford it.
Also, Civilization Revolution aswell?!
Also, come on guys chill out you're still getting the Penal Zone when promised who cares if 50 people worldwide have access to it earlier than us? I'm sure this will be a one off!
The iPad version is releasing early this one time because iPad is coming out today. With subsequent episodes its release will be lined up with the other platforms.
The iPad version is releasing early this one time because iPad is coming out today. With subsequent episodes its release will be lined up with the other platforms.
Well, as far as I'm concerned I don't mind TTG getting money from the iPad buyers, but even though I have an iPod and might even buy another one because it does only one thing and does it well (especially if you don't use it with the abomination that is iTunes), I still very much hope Apple finally keels over and dies a fiery, flaming death very soon for their other locked-down, overhyped, overpriced products.
The thought of some iPad owner guy who's never even heard of TellTale or Sam & Max playing the new season before I get to bothers me,
But at least they don't get antialiasing or realtime shadows!!! Which is all that really matters, when you think about it.
The thought of some iPad owner guy who's never even heard of TellTale or Sam & Max playing the new season before I get to bothers me,
But at least they don't get antialiasing or realtime shadows!!! Which is all that really matters, when you think about it.
does it make you wanna punch the ipad owner guy in the monocle?
Wait, since when does 12 equal 14? Maybe you have a different definition of "week" than the Gregorian Calendar?
Whoah. Don't bash us Julian calendar users.
On the topic of Sam & Max, though, I can't say I'm the least bit phased by the whole thing. I'm still getting to play it on the 15th, come rain or shine, so I'm happy with that. I still have access to the pre-order forum, which the iPad users do not, I'm assuming, and it's going to be a seemingly more pleasant experience on the PC.
What I am angry about is having to wait until the backordered Season 2 DVDs come in for my Surfin' the Highway to ship. Grrr! :mad:
does it make you wanna punch the ipad owner guy in the monocle?
OOOOOOOooooh, the ipad owner guy! he has all the money, women, and unwrinkled cloths and now get to play Sam & Max while pointing and laughing at us poor peasant folks.
ipad owner guy, I shake my fist at thee!
The iPad version is releasing early this one time because iPad is coming out today. With subsequent episodes its release will be lined up with the other platforms.
I don't really care of who play it first because I'm paying for the content. Since the content will be awesome (It's better be!) I don't care. But this is a letdown anyway.
I mean, we PRE-ORDERED. With that, comes the implicit promise of been the one of the first to play it. But, suddenly, someone else play it before me without doing the same process. And I don't care about graphics, that content is delivered to someone else before me, and I'm dissapointed because, in a way, you promise me we'll be the first people. And we aren't
This is like the Pre-order Bonus ToMI no-so-anymore-exclusive slipcover. I didn't pre-order ToMI, but that was, for me, also a punch in the face. I didn't say anything that time because I knew I was overreacting, but this is the second time.
I know it's not a big deal and I'm going to play the Season 3 anyway and it's going to be awesome, but, it's a letdown. Anyway.
(By the way, the tag welcome2overreationville just make my day. It's awesome.)
I think it's worth pointing out Will's post from earlier in the thread. Pre-orders were already underway before Telltale found out they could try for a launch-day release of The Penal Zone.
And I don't know about anyone else, but I consider a "kick to/punch in the face" something more along the lines of, say, Telltale suddenly offering the first 50 people who pre-ordered the PC/Mac version of Season 3 links to download Episode 1 right now, without ever informing everyone else that this was going to happen. Throwing those words around just seems a bit ... well, hyperbolic otherwise. At least to me. *shrug*
Ya hear that, Telltalers? Just stick your fingers in your ears and go "lalalalalala" while reading this thread.
Hey! Buddy!
Telltale's releasing the new Sam & Max season on the iPad -- and the first episode a whole twelve days before the rest of us can get our grubby hands on it! What do you think of that?
The Family Pet has spoken made his sentiment known!
I couldn't find any policy about PSN other than the standard "no refunds" but they've never offered a preorder before. I would hope they would offer refunds in this case.
'Course not, you gave *hugs to all*! I'm a sucker for hugs.
A friend gifted me a pre order of PZ so I don't really have any right to complain but I feel this situation could be resolved with either a release date cut, an early demo or some other neat bonus (even if it's something ridiculous like a character skin that gives Max a funny hat, bonus pc content is always good)
They just won't have that new data smell that new online releases have.
Video game systems are too expensive for folks on budgets, like me, to own every single one. So I do feel a teensy bit put out when some game I'm super crazy about, like Fallout 3, is all "Whelp, we made this contract, so you can hear about this cool expansion, but by the time it comes out on your system, you'll be so wrapped up in new stuff, you won't even care." And then you realize how jaded you've become, so you open a window, light a cigarette, and look out on a black lake illuminated by the moon and reflect on existence and humanities place in the fabric of time.
Maybe that last part is just me.
Granted, the PC date (My system of choice) hasn't been pushed back, so I'm more jealous than anything else.
I'm not upset, and I commend TTG for moving into new markets. That's just sound business sense.
I suppose my true feeling here is just that, the Camelot Mystique of Telltale has broken for me. I suppose in my mind I always held Telltale to a different standard. I childishly thought of Telltale as a group of people making games, not as a business entity that provides paychecks to working people. It was more my fault than anyone else's.
God Speed Telltale. Of all the companies I have known, you were the most... human.
*Cue "Amazing Grace" on Bagpipes*
I will put it this way: You guys are attributing a lot of grandiose plans and back-room sellout deals to what is actually one of the most seat-of-the-pants operations we've pulled.
The iPad port turned out well, and we got it done super fast, surprising even ourselves. We're proud as hell of that, and our only motive was to get a cool product out in front of people as quickly as we could. We didn't see it as a sleight against our PC customer base, and I don't think anyone expected you guys to take it so personally (or personally at all!). Hopefully the enjoyment you get from playing the sleek and polished PC version will drown out your sadness that we busted our butt for a wacky port you wouldn't care about otherwise anyway!
But it seriously never occurred to anyone there that at least some of the people who pre-ordered the game on a different system and can't afford to just go buy an iPad wouldn't be a bit miffed about the game coming out early on that system? You guys really were working hard if that slipped by.
I mean, I think canceling a pre-order over this is incredibly dumb. But then again, that's how Capitalism works. People don't give money to people that anger them, no matter how dumb the reason is that they're angry. In the big picture, the company here isn't losing jack, and we all know these folks will be back (unless they just start pirating, I suppose), but I don't think the emotional response is truly shocking.
A bit more vocal than one might expect, with much more anger and contempt, but fans being angry that the thing they want is available legally, but in a way that they can't get, and them being upset would only shock the truly dim-witted.
I think we've lost the sense of reality around us - it's not like a glass of water in the desert!!!
After all it's only to wait about 10 days more.
What's the matter to have it first? Would it be a better game if so? It's a "mine is longer" matter?
Come on, let's be adult.
I'm happy they converted it for Ipad! And if they managed to do it early, well it's great! If you care to have the game now, go buy an Ipad. I know it's a business thing but, hey, every copy sold help us to have better games, you know.
So, long life to Telltale!!!! You took a great opportunity!!! Good luck to Sam&Max!!! And bring Season 3 to XBOX too!
Still, I'll admit I'm a bit bummed I have to wait longer, as I'm too poor for an iPad. And anything with "i" at the beginning of its name it for that matter. Oh well ^_^
Nah, just kidding. I can't say I'm angry - I love Telltale, and do everything I can to support them as one of the only studios still brave enough to publish games in the current 'climate'. And gosh, I even understand Apples notorious reputation for confidentiality.
But if Telltale are going to support such niche platforms, I better see a Linux and Symbian port of Sam and Max 4 or I'm boycotting Jakes hairdresser!
[Edit: I don't really think a S60 port would work of course
*NOW* I am dissapointed in TTG...
I've waited nine years for another Monkey Island, surely I can wait two weeks for the next Sam & Max.
I am officially buying a iPad. When it comes out. When I can afford it.
Also, Civilization Revolution aswell?!
Also, come on guys chill out you're still getting the Penal Zone when promised who cares if 50 people worldwide have access to it earlier than us? I'm sure this will be a one off!
We get the Ipad at least two weeks AFTER the PC release of Sam'n Max 3, so there.
If anything, we europeans should complain to Apple about not being able to play SnM3 on Ipad here.
Call it a hunch, but I think it has something to do with the iPad being released for the first time ever today. Just a hunch.
Long live King Jake!
... I thought Nikasaur was the court jester. :C
Just my 0.02 EYPO...
But at least they don't get antialiasing or realtime shadows!!! Which is all that really matters, when you think about it.
does it make you wanna punch the ipad owner guy in the monocle?
Whoah. Don't bash us Julian calendar users.
On the topic of Sam & Max, though, I can't say I'm the least bit phased by the whole thing. I'm still getting to play it on the 15th, come rain or shine, so I'm happy with that. I still have access to the pre-order forum, which the iPad users do not, I'm assuming, and it's going to be a seemingly more pleasant experience on the PC.
What I am angry about is having to wait until the backordered Season 2 DVDs come in for my Surfin' the Highway to ship. Grrr! :mad:
OOOOOOOooooh, the ipad owner guy! he has all the money, women, and unwrinkled cloths and now get to play Sam & Max while pointing and laughing at us poor peasant folks.
ipad owner guy, I shake my fist at thee!
Well at least it's only this time!! :rolleyes:
I don't really care of who play it first because I'm paying for the content. Since the content will be awesome (It's better be!) I don't care. But this is a letdown anyway.
I mean, we PRE-ORDERED. With that, comes the implicit promise of been the one of the first to play it. But, suddenly, someone else play it before me without doing the same process. And I don't care about graphics, that content is delivered to someone else before me, and I'm dissapointed because, in a way, you promise me we'll be the first people. And we aren't
This is like the Pre-order Bonus ToMI no-so-anymore-exclusive slipcover. I didn't pre-order ToMI, but that was, for me, also a punch in the face. I didn't say anything that time because I knew I was overreacting, but this is the second time.
I know it's not a big deal and I'm going to play the Season 3 anyway and it's going to be awesome, but, it's a letdown. Anyway.
(By the way, the tag welcome2overreationville just make my day. It's awesome.)
And I don't know about anyone else, but I consider a "kick to/punch in the face" something more along the lines of, say, Telltale suddenly offering the first 50 people who pre-ordered the PC/Mac version of Season 3 links to download Episode 1 right now, without ever informing everyone else that this was going to happen. Throwing those words around just seems a bit ... well, hyperbolic otherwise. At least to me. *shrug*