Wii Friend Codes
So, there are a few Wii fans here, and I imagine some of you already own a Wii. How about exchanging some friend codes among us Telltalanians? I'll start: my code is 2854 3282 0627 4463. Please add me, and share your Friend Codes so we can take this community to the next level!

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Edit: this isn't actually my first post? But I guess it is since the forums were redone.
Has anyone tried to make a Bone or Sam & Max Mii yet? I've seen a few non-human Mii's in the parade, such as Chewbacca and Pac-Man (if Pac-Man had a body, that is).
6330 9861 2077 7704
My nick is (should be) GozzoMan and I'm portrayed by the wandering Mii with the same name
I've just added Haggis, tabacco, Maxwaver, Udvarnoky, Wald, glo_kidd and mhaley.
Will you guys please add me? Hopefully, you are still reading this forum.
Any other telltalers out there with a wii?
Oh well! If anyone wants my friend code for a game, I will happily give it out.
Haggis 2854 3282 0627 4463
Tobacco 0879 6067 6565 3707
Maxweaver 4425 0507 2889 8112 (Max)
Udvarnoky 3842 2900 0398 0240
Waldflieger 0140 7352 5383 1371 (Wald F)
Glo_kidd 4248 4422 1061 1131 (GloKidd or something cool, like VoodooBob or something
Mhaley 0815 8316 3513 6226
GozzoMan 6330 9861 2077 7704
Steve2000 7146 6016 1828 0183
I have a wii too, but forget my code atm. Will add it later. Will also update mine w/ all your codes later.
I think maybe I just have wii fever - somebody get me a doctor!
No-one remembers the days when email addresses worked like this, too.
I don't, although my dad does :P
Anyway, who here will be playing Super Mario Galaxy on Monday?
The game comes out in seven days here in the UK, so I'll be playing it then (unless the store ships it earlier).
Haggis 0140 2626 7315 8116
Tobacco 0879 6067 6565 3707
Maxweaver 4425 0507 2889 8112 (Max)
Udvarnoky 3842 2900 0398 0240
Waldflieger 0140 7352 5383 1371 (Wald F)
Glo_kidd 4248 4422 1061 1131 (GloKidd or something cool, like VoodooBob or something
Mhaley 0815 8316 3513 6226
GozzoMan 6330 9861 2077 7704
Steve2000 7146 6016 1828 0183
Dedlok 4304 0966 9882 6295
Shoemonkey (or Optimus Jr, whichever you like better)
7345 4183 3881 5497
Anybody who's got Metroid Prime 3 -- let's swap friend credits!
I've already added everybody in the previous post.
I have, actually! They're not perfect, of course, but they're as close as I could get. ^^;
I can't unfortunately get pics of them up here, as I have no cam, but here are the Mii Codes:
Sam: 4682-5681-4757
Max: 5397-5185-0431
And I made my own version of Sybil Pandemik also, and Flint Paper. Again, Flint isn't -PERFECT-, but it's done with what I had to work with.
Flint: 1898-4888-9384
Sybil: 4291-3629-9447