I'm actually kinda disturbed that they'd send out a letter to thank people for voting for them in the first place, wtf happened to the secret ballot? The same thing that happened to Nick Clegg's pledge to fight against any plans to raise tuition fees?
I think you should sent the letter to whatever tabloid is anti-Conservative with a letter saying you're very disturbed because BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING US. Come to think of it, that's a bad idea, the tabloid would probably assume it was just another complaint about Big Brother.
I'm actually kinda disturbed that they'd send out a letter to thank people for voting for them in the first place, wtf happened to the secret ballot? The same thing that happened to Nick Clegg's pledge to fight against any plans to raise tuition fees?
I think you should sent the letter to whatever tabloid is anti-Conservative with a letter saying you're very disturbed because BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING US. Come to think of it, that's a bad idea, the tabloid would probably assume it was just another complaint about Big Brother.
After going to old English and plowing through both my Latin and Old Norse homework, I find myself working on Old English again. My day feels like one huge linguistics loop.
After a very, very long haul, I have finally finished all of Dragonball (original, Z, and GT). It was absolutely fantastic, and to celebrate, I have changed my avatar.
After a very, very long haul, I have finally finished all of Dragonball (original, Z, and GT). It was absolutely fantastic, and to celebrate, I have changed my avatar.
After a very, very long haul, I have finally finished all of Dragonball (original, Z, and GT). It was absolutely fantastic, and to celebrate, I have changed my avatar.
Which language track?
And what about:
-The four Dragonball films, including the 10th anniversary film
-The 13 Z films
-The 3 TV specials
-Plan to Eradicate the Saiya-jin
-The Jump 40th Anniversary special
-Goku's Traffic Safety
-Goku's Fire Brigade
-Dr. Slump crossover episodes
-Dragonball: The Magic Begins
-Dragonball: Evolution(this one's gonna hurt)
-The four Dragonball films, including the 10th anniversary film
-The 13 Z films
-The 3 TV specials
-Plan to Eradicate the Saiya-jin
-The Jump 40th Anniversary special
-Goku's Traffic Safety
-Goku's Fire Brigade
-Dr. Slump crossover episodes
-Dragonball: The Magic Begins
-Dragonball: Evolution(this one's gonna hurt)
And what about reading:
-Neko Majin
-Cross Epoch
-Footage from the Terebikko game "Atsumare! Gokuu Waarudo"
-IQ Supli's IQ Mirror Mistake 7
-2007 Japan Hero Awards - Who is the Strongest Hero?
-Various commercials and advertisments(As collected in the Japanese Dragon Boxes)
-Dragonball Kai: Super Battle Stage
NOT TO MENTION that Plan to Eradicate the Saiya-jin ALSO has a recent remake(Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiya-jin, from the Raging Blast 2 bonus), the PlayDia Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiya-jin game(which counts due to the fact that it's essentially an interactive movie animated by Toei, as all PlayDia games were), and I suppose since I'm counting animated stuff then I really should count footage from the various openings for the various video game releases, and I said above "as collected in the Dragon Boxes" but that's not actually complete considering advertisements(especially those with animation done by Toei) that have come out since, including the arcade card game thing Dragonball Heroes.
I refuse to believe that this film actually exists because I have not ever even seen another human being with an actual copy of it, let alone an actual copy of the damn thing.
-The four Dragonball films, including the 10th anniversary film
-The 13 Z films
-The 3 TV specials
-Plan to Eradicate the Saiya-jin
-The Jump 40th Anniversary special
-Goku's Traffic Safety
-Goku's Fire Brigade
-Dr. Slump crossover episodes
-Dragonball: The Magic Begins
-Dragonball: Evolution(this one's gonna hurt)
And what about reading:
-Neko Majin
-Cross Epoch
Sadly, I watched it in English, since that is the easiest to find and also because I wanted to multitask and combine biochemistry and Dragonball. Since I'm a total geek, I'll probably watch it sooner or later in Japanese just to see the differences.
I did watch Dragonball: Evolution. My opinion is that it needs to be killed with fire (though I did enjoy marveling at how it seemed to get worse and worse as the story progressed). The most in-character Goku moment during the entire...thing... was when Goku decided to summon Shenron, eternal dragon by screaming "Dragon!" at the top of his lungs. At least it gave Team Four Star plenty of good material, though...
And now, I go to start on the movies! Which will be followed by the TV specials! Which will be followed by the manga! And then everything else!
Yeah, this is what I get for not watching TV as a kid.
-Footage from the Terebikko game "Atsumare! Gokuu Waarudo"
-IQ Supli's IQ Mirror Mistake 7
-2007 Japan Hero Awards - Who is the Strongest Hero?
-Various commercials and advertisments(As collected in the Japanese Dragon Boxes)
-Dragonball Kai: Super Battle Stage
NOT TO MENTION that Plan to Eradicate the Saiya-jin ALSO has a recent remake(Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiya-jin, from the Raging Blast 2 bonus), the PlayDia Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiya-jin game(which counts due to the fact that it's essentially an interactive movie animated by Toei, as all PlayDia games were), and I suppose since I'm counting animated stuff then I really should count footage from the various openings for the various video game releases, and I said above "as collected in the Dragon Boxes" but that's not actually complete considering advertisements(especially those with animation done by Toei) that have come out since, including the arcade card game thing Dragonball Heroes.
Don't forget all the animated Dragon Ball and One Piece cross overs, be they commercials or animated shorts including the one that has Astro Boy too!
Sadly, I watched it in English, since that is the easiest to find and also because I wanted to multitask and combine biochemistry and Dragonball. Since I'm a total geek, I'll probably watch it sooner or later in Japanese just to see the differences.
As far as I'm concerned, you watched a show that is entirely disparate from just about everything of value in the show, then. In terms of bad dubs, Dragonball falls JUST under dubs that re-edit a show's actual footage into new stories. Depending on HOW you obtained the show, if you ended up with the TV edit then you're missing massive chunks of the show, wheras if you have the Uncut dub then you're missing less than you could, but you are certainly missing a great deal regardless of the version because the characterization, script changes, lines where there were none before, and if you got the dub music the actual musical backing create something that drains most of the intrinsic value from the thing, single-handedly giving it its current negative critical reception in the West.
At least you had a choice. The only Anime's I was allowed to watch were Sailor Moon (God knows why) and Monster Rancher.
I liked Monster Rancher, if it wasn't for Team Rocket then I'd have liked it more than the Pokemon anime. Genki is so much better/less annoying than Ash is.
ETA: Oh, and Pokemon had Jigglypuff. Still my favourite Pokemon ever.
even though it was never shown after the initial airing?
Or in the US, at all. AND even if it was aired subsequently the footage had already been toned down to be shown again "safely" in news broadcasts(I've actually watched the episode). AND it didn't affect the entire audience, just people that were susceptible to it, and while yes it was bad that they were affected and it's good that Japan changed its standards for the health and safety concerns, it likely wouldn't have even affected you.
Does that smiley represent a question mark? If so, then in that case, yes, like StrongBrush said, we're just talking about random crap stuff.
On a side-note, the latter, instrumental half of Dream Theater's 'Fatal Tragedy' is incredible.
I was reminded last night when I had the Radio on.
Or is it in them?
Work? OH CRAP! That reminds me I have to be there in 90 minutes..woo...
Also, i wanted to vot for the monster raving loony party, but they didn't have a candidate in my area.:(
I think you should sent the letter to whatever tabloid is anti-Conservative with a letter saying you're very disturbed because BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING US. Come to think of it, that's a bad idea, the tabloid would probably assume it was just another complaint about Big Brother.
Ahh thank you, I have never been that good at grammar.
...yes...exactly... >.>
This is horrific! OMG!! LOL!!!! I'm in tears!
Full of Epic Win!
For those who wanted to get into natalie portman's pants, GRRR GRRRRR now you can!
The fact that you served makes you cool.
The fact that it was the marines makes you awesome.
The fact that you survived makes you mega awesome.
I have two Marines in my family, one of them served in Nam. My cousin aspires to be one. I feel the need to thank any marine for their service.
That is AMAZING.
I been meaning to re-watch them all
And what about:
-The four Dragonball films, including the 10th anniversary film
-The 13 Z films
-The 3 TV specials
-Plan to Eradicate the Saiya-jin
-The Jump 40th Anniversary special
-Goku's Traffic Safety
-Goku's Fire Brigade
-Dr. Slump crossover episodes
-Dragonball: The Magic Begins
-Dragonball: Evolution(this one's gonna hurt)
And what about reading:
-Neko Majin
-Cross Epoch
Im going to do everything in my power to avoid that!
-Footage from the Terebikko game "Atsumare! Gokuu Waarudo"
-IQ Supli's IQ Mirror Mistake 7
-2007 Japan Hero Awards - Who is the Strongest Hero?
-Various commercials and advertisments(As collected in the Japanese Dragon Boxes)
-Dragonball Kai: Super Battle Stage
NOT TO MENTION that Plan to Eradicate the Saiya-jin ALSO has a recent remake(Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiya-jin, from the Raging Blast 2 bonus), the PlayDia Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiya-jin game(which counts due to the fact that it's essentially an interactive movie animated by Toei, as all PlayDia games were), and I suppose since I'm counting animated stuff then I really should count footage from the various openings for the various video game releases, and I said above "as collected in the Dragon Boxes" but that's not actually complete considering advertisements(especially those with animation done by Toei) that have come out since, including the arcade card game thing Dragonball Heroes.
Sadly, I watched it in English, since that is the easiest to find and also because I wanted to multitask and combine biochemistry and Dragonball. Since I'm a total geek, I'll probably watch it sooner or later in Japanese just to see the differences.
I did watch Dragonball: Evolution. My opinion is that it needs to be killed with fire (though I did enjoy marveling at how it seemed to get worse and worse as the story progressed). The most in-character Goku moment during the entire...thing... was when Goku decided to summon Shenron, eternal dragon by screaming "Dragon!" at the top of his lungs. At least it gave Team Four Star plenty of good material, though...
And now, I go to start on the movies! Which will be followed by the TV specials! Which will be followed by the manga! And then everything else!
Yeah, this is what I get for not watching TV as a kid.
Interesting video. Doom doom doom doom doom...
My mom did not trust anime because of the whole Porygon thing
Don't forget all the animated Dragon Ball and One Piece cross overs, be they commercials or animated shorts including the one that has Astro Boy too!
I got the series 1-5 box set and movies
goddammit. i thought people were over that years ago.
even though it was never shown after the initial airing?
I liked Monster Rancher, if it wasn't for Team Rocket then I'd have liked it more than the Pokemon anime. Genki is so much better/less annoying than Ash is.
ETA: Oh, and Pokemon had Jigglypuff. Still my favourite Pokemon ever.
Now, who even remembers Shinzo, Mon Colle Knights, or Flint the Time Detective? =P