The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited June 2010
    I like my Tales of Monkey Island drinking vessel. Especially when it's full like this:

  • edited June 2010
    That looks really nice, I must have one! :p

    Planning on getting one after my trip to England, which is what is filling my mind at the moment.
    I am leaving on Saturday, and then I will be with my boyfriend again. :D

    Man I can't wait, and at the same time I know my MI Deluxe Edition will show up when I am there, so I also have something to look forward to when I am going home again.
  • edited June 2010
    We are all slaves to this world! The only place we can find freedom is in our minds and in our hearts. Material value is enslaved around us all, it binds us to our masters!
    What's more important is that we can find life inside of us, that we can build all our bodies within as if our outer shells of any size and shape are castles! Kingdoms!

    What's important is that every single person in our world thinks they can contribute something to some one, that every one can find freedom within their selves!

    The enduring, the poverty of humanity, is not those who have no material possessions, it's those who have given up on their selves and those who we have given up on.

    We are all slaves to this world, the weight of our chains in all of humanity is heaviest by those who are enslaved in their hearts/ minds and souls!

    Humanity needs to unlock our chains with love, understanding, compassion!
  • edited June 2010
    Let it to be known that if humanity is a race worth saving then it must be full of love and inspiration! It must soar to its heights! It must reach out and grow! All of humanity must reach out!

    The soul and spirit of humanity must be persevered! We must keep fighting to save our race, to be united, to be free, liberated!

    What is it to be human? I think it should be DAMN significant to all of us!
  • edited July 2010
    The song from kingdom hearts, yeah.

    you know, you can claim that any song has backmasking and people will believe you. when they listen to the song they will hear it because they expect to.

    My dreams last night all consisted of me looking for a duck in my house, even when it was an entirely different house that I had never been to before it was my house. and that came after the two houses I am at semi-regularly (my parents got divorced when I was very young). The weirdest part was that it was a plush duck that turned real when I put it in a hot tub we dont have. The hut tub was in this house when it should have been in another house. What could it all mean?
  • edited July 2010
    I am so incredibly happy!!!
  • edited July 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    My dreams last night all consisted of me looking for a duck in my house, even when it was an entirely different house that I had never been to before it was my house. and that came after the two houses I am at semi-regularly (my parents got divorced when I was very young). The weirdest part was that it was a plush duck that turned real when I put it in a hot tub we dont have. The hut tub was in this house when it should have been in another house. What could it all mean?

    Freud would say that it means sexual confusion. Either that or you want to sleep with your mother. But then again, Freud would say that about any dream regardless of content. Unless it was about cigars.

    I say that subconsciously, you have always wanted a duck and a hot tub. Or maybe you are the duck and you began to live life more fully (become real) after you attained a hot tub. Incidentally, I don't work for a hot tub company.:D
  • edited July 2010
    Freud would say that it means sexual confusion. Either that or you want to sleep with your mother. But then again, Freud would say that about any dream regardless of content. Unless it was about cigars.

    I say that subconsciously, you have always wanted a duck and a hot tub. Or maybe you are the duck and you began to live life more fully (become real) after you attained a hot tub. Incidentally, I don't work for a hot tub company.:D

    - "Mommy? How are babies born?"

    - "Well... when a man and a woman love each other, they throw baby-shaped plush dolls into hot tubs... and that's how you were born, dear."
  • edited July 2010
    Normal power outages are irritating as hell. Partial power outages are not only confusing, but really frustrating. Like when you have power in the master bedroom, in the kitchen (except for the stove), in the garage, and for the lights in the downstairs bathroom, but the whole rest of the house is black. So you can brush your teeth with the lights on, but you can't turn on your computer, watch a movie, or even sit in bed and read.

    I am so glad that's over with.
  • edited July 2010
    I have Dr. Cox from Scrubs stuck in my head.

    "Help me to help you..."
  • edited July 2010
    I just showered, another good day at work. I just realized how bruised up i am.
  • edited July 2010
    My trip tomorrow, finally taking the flight from Billund to Stansted. Where my broyfriend will be picking me up, to take me through the scary tubes. :p

    But I am so nervous, will I make it to my flight in time? Last summer I almost missed it because the train got delayed because of the hot weather. And I had to get to another station to reach a bus, otherwise I could have waived bye bye to that trip.

    Otherwise I am just excited, I haven't seen my boyfriend for about 4 months. :)
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    Otherwise I am just excited, I haven't seen my boyfriend for about 4 months. :)

    Aw, that's sweet... safe flight! You're coming at a great time, the weather in the UK is just gorgeous at the moment. :)
  • edited July 2010
    I can't remember which thread I asked the question 'how do you pronounce Annable?'. I remember I got a suggestion, but not a definate response. It matters not now! I was looking at the blogs and there is a video interview with Graham Annable himself. In it, he pronounced his name. So, if any of you didn't know and do care, you pronounce it anna-ball. I for one am happy I finally found out.

    On another note, have any of you got a print set from the Grickle store? (Either the 'Hidden People' or the 'Children of the Night and their Dad'). As I really want a set, but cannot decide for the life of me which to choose. I only have enough room and money for one, and both sets are extremely awesome. Please someone, help me decide.

    EDIT: OK. That's it. I've made up my mind. It was the 'Children of the Night and their Dad' that caught my eye first. So it's the one I'm going with!
  • edited July 2010
    We all have naturally linked minds, cravings, but how much of thoughts/ feelings, natural habitats are socially constructed?Is anything we know today as our human nature at least in part contributed to social constructs?

    For example, what about our love for symmetry and how we find it sexy in a woman?
    For example fertility and the womb, and photograph, art, of the female figure.

    Thoughts and feelings aren't that far apart and ideas are thoughts and rounded up it's socially constructed.

    We are social creatures of origin, we formed groups, made hierarchy, etc etc. My question is how much of "human nature" isn't really human nature at all? Are their any lies at the"surface of humanity".

    Have we been fooling ourselves or simply too immature to truly comprehend our nature and have evolved in that direction for so long?

    We all have naturally linked minds, cravings, but how much of thoughts/ feelings, natural habits are socially constructed?


    How are our minds/ brains really programmed? When we see thighs, breasts, long hair, the female figure. How much is socially constructed how much is natural, how much is socially constructed that is natural?

    When we see the female figure paired with other objects for symbolism, do we see more? Do we understand and appreciate the vulnerability and sensitive nature more? Are we able to be deeper and separate our selves from our sexuality?

    Is there a social construct with this slight abstraction of other forms abiding the female figure to think act and feel more mature? Does beautiful become separated from lust/ sex?
  • edited July 2010
    jeeno0142 wrote: »
    Thanks for pointing that out! I just checked my dictionary and 'alright' is present, whereas 'alot' is not, so then I went onto Word and typed it in there and it automatically changed it back into 'a lot'. I wonder why I've been doing that. Thanks for telling me!

    who uses a dictionary these days :D:rolleyes:
  • edited July 2010
    who uses a dictionary these days :D:rolleyes:

    For what it's worth, I use quite often.
  • edited July 2010
    WTF these are not artistic, i think I'm going to throw up!
  • edited July 2010
    When I was a kid, there wasn't a single meal during which we didn't get up to get one of the dictionaries (we had two, one for "regular words" and one for names).
    It confused me when I ate at other people's place and nothing was brought up in conversation that caused us to check the exact spelling or signification of a word, or the date the stuff was invented, or when so and so was President, or whatever we were checking the dictionaries for at the time.

    I guess nowadays I use wikipedia more for unimportant stuff... I use LOTS of online dictionaries though and I have the translation ones... Always been taught in translation classes to use them when translating even if you're sure you don't need to. So let's see, you've got:

    - regular dictionary (source language)
    - regular dictionary (target language)
    - source-to-target dictionary
    - target-to-source dictionary
    - thesaurus (source language)
    - thesaurus (target language)

    NEVER use a "source-to-target & target-to-source" combo dictionary, they have less words in them and the missing ones are the ones you're the most likely to need a dictionary for (as a translator) because they're rarer so you're less likely to have encountered them before.

    On top of that, add dictionaries or expression, phrases, slang and technical terms (i.e. medical dictionary if translating a medical article).
    Also, books that aren't necessarily dictionaries to use as references. For instance, if translating a DnD comic, you need DnD books in the source and target language to check how terms are translated, and potentially how you can substitute them if you need to.

    That's really why you need all of that. Sure, checking the spelling and meaning of a word is useful, but the cultural use, connotations, etymology and so on can be essential, because sometimes you just have to find something else, and you want to make sure the effect on the reader is as close as possible to the original one.

    Oh, and conversion tools. For measurements, but also for grades in school and things like that. Translation textbooks can also be useful, as they might push you in the right direction if you're stuck. I mean those that explain the different translation techniques such as chassé-croisé for instance, which inverts words.
    To give you an easy example, "run up the hill". In English "run" is a verb and comes first, "up" is a preposition and comes afterwards.

    In French, "up" will become a verb and come first, "run" will become a present participle and come afterwards.
    To say it literally, French would basically say "to up the hill running".
    Here, I googled it and found more examples for anyone interested (specific to English and French).

    This one is straightforward and easy (it's like the first one you learn), but some techniques you use a lot less or just didn't think about, so a book detailing them can be helpful.

    Obviously, you don't use all the books all the time. But having them in arm's reach is pretty much essential if you want the result to be professional.
    Oh, and one about false friends is useful too. Words that look like they'd be the same but actually have different meaning, i.e. "actually" vs "actuellement" (currently).

    I should stop talking while I still can >.>
  • edited July 2010
    I use my dictionary for when someone says a word I've never heard of before and want to know what it means. That and spelling. Today, I learnt that barbecue is spelt with a 'c' and not a 'q'. I've never needed to spell it (as far as I can recall), but since I pronounce it as 'bar-be-queue' I assumed it to be spelt with a 'q'. I checked it in my dictionary after seeing the word printed on a box in a supermarket.
  • edited July 2010
    I use my dictionary to prove that xenial is a real word when playing Scrabble.:D
  • edited July 2010
    I use my dictionary to prove that xenial is a real word when playing Scrabble.:D

    I've had high score thanks to misspellings things on purpose when I knew people wouldn't catch me :p
    No rules against it if you don't get caught! And once the next person has played, it's too late...
    People really should use the dictionary more often.
  • edited July 2010
    So, does anyone else have an addiction to Cheetos Mighty Zingers?

    I could eat those anyday and never get tired of them.
  • edited July 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I've had high score thanks to misspellings things on purpose when I knew people wouldn't catch me :p
    No rules against it if you don't get caught! And once the next person has played, it's too late...
    People really should use the dictionary more often.

    That's how my mom always wins. We play where if you mistakenly call someone out on a misspelling, you lose a turn, so no one ever calls out misspelling. :D
  • edited July 2010
    That's how my mom always wins. We play where if you mistakenly call someone out on a misspelling, you lose a turn, so no one ever calls out misspelling. :D

    Ah, that would frustrate the hell out of me!
  • edited July 2010
    That's how my mom always wins. We play where if you mistakenly call someone out on a misspelling, you lose a turn, so no one ever calls out misspelling. :D

    Never heard of that rule. My rule was that anyone, at any time, can check the previous word in the dictionary before they play.
    They're just too lazy.

    I once played with friends with a rule that you were allowed to use the dictionary before you played words to see if they were valid. It was awesome.
  • edited July 2010
    im thinking about stuff to take on the plane :confused:
  • edited July 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I once played with friends with a rule that you were allowed to use the dictionary before you played words to see if they were valid.

    That's how we play. My dad once played the word 'sleety' and we were all unsure whether to accept it. We couldn't find it in the dictionary, but dad was adamant that it existed and showed us a weather report that had it in. We are still unsure if it is a word, but we let him keep it.
    im thinking about stuff to take on the plane :confused:

    Be sure to take a good book.
  • edited July 2010
    im thinking about stuff to take on the plane :confused:

    Snakes On A Plane!!!!!
  • edited July 2010
    im thinking about stuff to take on the plane :confused:

    Just be sure to chock your iPod full of good music! What are you into?
    prizna wrote: »
    Snakes On A Plane!!!!!

    I have had it with these... peh, I'm already sick of this line.
  • edited July 2010
    It seems like the guys that are respected by their parents, friends, co workers, yaddy yadda, are chauvinists who go around parading in their sexuality as males.

    To everyone, as mentioned, parents, friends, etc etc. It's like I have to have a constant hard on in this world to get the respect I think I deserve from others.

    Is this really the way it's meant to be. Maybe not a chauvinist, but to a lesser extent, it seems that men parade in their sexuality. Is that how it's meant to be? Is that what women want?Is that what a loving mother wants of her son? It seems to be the case in my world, as my ego driven brother has a girl friend and my mother seems to actually favor him as a man over me.

    He's sexually charged as a male, the whole stereotypical, socially constructed package. He reads guy rules and is into violence, is into swearing, etc etc. He's the whole mental/ and "physical minded" type of guy.

    So, I'm supposed to march in the sexuality as a male for every one?

    Why is my family so insecure? Why do I live with a bunch of people who adore male chauvinists?
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I once played with friends with a rule that you were allowed to use the dictionary before you played words to see if they were valid. It was awesome.

    This is my favourite way to play! It's a good way to learn cool new words, more fun and less competitive.
  • edited July 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    What are you into?

    I was thinking about how this can be taken out of context; that was on my mind!

    But seriously, I like TMBG, and I already have all their music. Also the Mighty Boosh. But on this flight, I think I will take the opportunity to finally listen to the season 1 and two soundtracks the whole way through
  • edited July 2010
    Anyone else want Cotton Candy?
  • edited July 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    Anyone else want Cotton Candy?

    "Cotton candy, the wise pharaoh of food, sittin' a top the food pyramid, passing judgment on all the lesser foods."
  • edited July 2010
    "Cotton candy, the wise pharaoh of food, sittin' a top the food pyramid, passing judgment on all the lesser foods."

    "Elephant ears, funnel cakes, corn dogs.. man these signs are bringin' back memories."

    Left 4 Dead is one of the best quotable games ever.
  • edited July 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    "Elephant ears, funnel cakes, corn dogs.. man these signs are bringin' back memories."

    Left 4 Dead is one of the best quotable games ever.

    Indeed it is. In fact, you get free virtual cotton candy for knowing where that quote came from :cool:

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    Anyone else want Cotton Candy?

    Australians call cotton candy "fairy floss". I've had a few wtf looks from people in the UK for that. :p
  • edited July 2010
    How do they put the figs in the fig rolls?
This discussion has been closed.